Pregnancy Hormones

[This chapter is dedicated to DaoistcSXc3e. Thank you for picking up this story. I hope you are having fun reading.]

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Jess had exhaled a deep breath for the nth time while gripping the steering wheel of her car. She had been sitting inside her car for about half an hour now.

She came right home after visiting Luke at the lab. However, the moment she parked in her designated parking space, she didn't feel like going home, but at the same time, she didn't feel like going anywhere, hence, she stupidly sat behind the wheel, exhaled deep breaths, and wait for the motivation to haul her ass out of the car to her apartment.

She was still staring into space when she got startled by two steady knocks on the driver's window.

She snapped her head and saw a man with the familiar logo of the building security. She rolled down her window about two inches wide.
