An Invitation

[This chapter is dedicated to all of you, my beautiful readers. Thank you for sticking up with this story despite its slow updates. I'm going through something personal that is making writing a bit difficult. At this challenging times, I couldn't be more grateful for all of your support. Thank you!]

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Noah creased his brows with the envelope that Antonio handed to him. He turned it over and over in his hands, reading it more than twice before he looked up at Antonio.

"Jess gave you this?"

"Yes," he nodded in affirmation.

"Hmmm," he put down the envelope and rubbed his chin.

He knew that pregnant women can be unpredictable with their hormones. He left Jess in her apartment after cooking her favorite food, according to her father, because she didn't want to see him while she ate.

He wasn't going to deny that he got hurt and disappointed. He wanted to watch her eat and know what she thinks of his cooking.