
Ayaan's pov

1 week since I last met Tara. I called her multiple times but she never received my calls and neither responded to my messages.

Every day I went to our favourite place waiting for her to come but she didn't.

I never knew that I would feel so hard for a girl, the thought of losing her makes me cry. It's unbelievable that I am crying for a girl the last time I cried was at my sister's death and today I am crying because of Tara.

They were the 2 women I loved the most and I never wanted to lose them but both of them left me. I couldn't stop my sister from leaving me but I won't let you leave me, Tara. You are something that I can never let go of.

"Ayaan Sir, your Dad has asked you to go to the mall for checking out the outfits, " Ramzan one of Bilal Khan's loyal servants told Ayaan and left the room. Ayaan got up to clean his room which he messed by broking the vases and mirrors in anger.

Tara's pov.

My life is full of sorrows. The past few days have been the worst days of my life.

That day when I came back after meeting Ayaan, Abbu and phupo were in the living room it seemed like they were waiting for me.

Abbu came forward and said "Stop meeting Bilal Khan's son I am sure you won't like it if I kill your lover. Stay away from him otherwise you'll be responsible for his bad condition" he warned me and left the room not before mentioning about my marriage with Fahad.

I m sure phupo brainwashed him. Abbu said Bilal Khan's son which means he doesn't know Ayaan and I'll make sure he never knows. I know Ayaan might be hating me right now but I m helpless.

2 days ago I got engaged to Fahad. Someone whom I don't know and most importantly someone I don't love.


"Hey, take these clothes and get ready quickly" phupo entered my room and threw the clothes on the bed while leaving she said "You're getting engaged today so be quick" she gave a devilish smile and left the room.

I m getting engaged today and I didn't know about it, abbu didn't even bother to ask my opinion.

I knew I couldn't do anything I have to do as they say so I gave up and got ready.

Downstairs I met Fahad Malik, my fiance.

He looks like an owl Ayaan was much better than him. I wish Ayaan was here.

Finally, after lots of drama, the engagement was completed and I was Fahad's fiance.

I miss Ayaan a lot, I wish he was here.

Flashback ends

Soon I'll be married to that Fahad. I'll be his wife. I wish I could elope from this wedding. I wish I could go back to Ayaan and stay with him forever.

All my thoughts vanished when Roshni entered the room and said to get ready because we were going shopping and that ullu Malik will be joining us too. ( ullu means owl ) .

This was the 10th dress I had tried and Alhamdulilah this dress was perfect for the nikkah.

(Nikkah - wedding)

Author's pov

After buying their clothes Tara and all were waiting for Zara, Fahad's sister.

Sara who was Zara's twin sister said that she would be late and in the meantime why don't they click some selfies.

Everyone was taking a group selfie where Fahad was holding Tara by the waist as told by Sara.

But before they could click any somebody punched Fahad so hard that caused him to fell on the ground.

"How dare you touch her " he roared while the others were terrified. Fahad got up and touched his lips where it was bleeding as he was with his fiance and sisters he decided to be calm and asked

"who the hell are you and why did you punch me," he asked the man but instead of answering him the unknown men went to Tara and asked

"who is he, why was he touching you, tell me who is he" he shouted at her but Fahad came in between them and answered " I m her fiance and I have the right to touch her "

on hearing the word 'FIANCE' Ayaan felt his breath stop, he couldn't imagine that Tara would be somebody's fiance except his.

Mr Majeed saw the fight and asked

" Who are you and why are you troubling my kids, listen just go away or I have many ways to make you go"

he says Ayaan and then turns towards Tara and asks "He punched Fahad because of you, do you know this boy " Tara didn't know what to do.

she was unable to look at Ayaan, when Mr Majeed asked for the second time she said " N-No I don't k-know him " Her words made Ayaan more shocked than he already was.

She said she didn't know him which made his already broken heart more broken. They all left the mall while Ayaan stood there all shocked. He felt so broken and betrayed, he felt like he lost a part of him.



Instagram & Twitter - queenfuzzie_

Thanks for reading ♡