
Tara's pov.

After changing my clothes i sat on the bed. But then Ayaan came and took me somewhere I couldn't even see where he was taking me because he had blindfolded me .

"Ayaan what the hell are you doing! And where the hell are you taking me" i screamed loudly because I have been asking him the same question since the past 15 minutes. "Wait and Watch where I take you!!" he screamed near my ear . I am not deaf and I don't want to be one , what's with screaming near my ear .

Jerk! After half an hour or so the car stopped I think we've reached. He opened the passenger door and literally dragged me out of the car and started walking to god knows where,

" take these off me" I said but seems like he ignored what I said. After walking for five minutes he removed the blindfold from my eyes.

 Wow!! This place is so beautiful. The place was decorated with balloons, flowers , candles and there were 3 boards which were covered with a red peice of cloth.

"Ayaan what's all this" I asked him , I was really confused because he didn't do something like that before "umm, well i wanted to surprise my girlfriend so I thought it would be great if you check it out once . I mean if the preparation is good or do i need to add something else" he said shamelessly,

Girlfriend? He Has A Girlfriend ?!

"You cheat! You're married to me and you bought me here to check the preparation that you did to surprise your stupid girlfriend? How dare you huh! You Are Married To Me !! And you're not allowed to make girlfriends because i am your wife!" I shouted in anger and there he was laughing like a lunatic,seriously? I don't get this mad at anybody apart from him .

"Ok calm down my tigeress" he tried to calm me but i could feel smoke coming out from my ears

"First You Bring Me Here Blindfolded At Midnight And I Thought It Was Because You're Gonna Surprise Me, Instead You Bring Me Here And You Say Me To Check The Stupid Decorations You Did For Your Stupid Girlfriend And Now You Say Me To Calm Down You're --"

before I could complete he interrupte by placing a finger on my lips . He comes closer and closer " keep quiet or I'll kiss you and make you stop talking " He whispers in my ears seductively,

It's better to keep quiet rather than getting kissed by him. He goes near one of the board and removes the red cloth from it . It has Sorry written with cute small lights on it , but what was it for .

I turn towards Ayaan but dare not to speak. " I know many things happened between us . When you came and said we'd break up I completely lost it . I thought and hoped after few days everything will be okay but nothing like that happened . When I heard Fahad calling himself your fiancee I couldn't tolerate it . I became a mad man , I couldn't think about you being with any other men . That day I was drunk Tara ,

I didn't know what happened to me and what I did to you that day . If I were in my senses I would never do such a thing with you Tara , every day and night I feel guilty for what I did . I am sorry for what happened that day you can punish me for it I'll accept it without objecting. I can't see your hatred for me , my life depends on you and if you hate me then I can't live. I am sorry please forgive me "

Woah that was a long paragraph isn't it, but he really didn't do anything in his senses , he was drunk and he is apologising for it now .

When I didn't answer him , he sat on his knees and held his ears " I am sorry. Until you forgive me I'll be sitting like this " Is he mad or what ? I think I should give him a chance. Ayaan would never hurt someone intentionally.

" I forgive you, now get up before I change my mind " He got up and hugged me almost choked me to death but then left me realising that he was choking me . On the next board it was written I Love You, like the sorry .

" Do you still love me after everything happened? I really love you and I'll love you forever " he said loudly he was still waiting to listen if I loved him or not , I do love him and I just nodded my head. He came closer and kissed my cheek. And on the next board it was written Rayan

" It's a cute name isn't it " Ayaan asked " I'll name my son Rayaan , what say?" He asked again, i I felt my cheeks turning all red. And after spending few hours we decided to comeback home as it was Roshni and Azaan's walima/ reception tomorrow.

- Morning

Roshni's pov

Last night was like a dream . Azaan was so close to me even now he's hugging me and sleeping .

I didn't want to leave him but I had to because I was the new bride and it looks bad if I keep sleeping for a long time. I went to the washroom and came out after taking shower . When I came out I saw Azaan sitting on the bed, his hair were messy and he was shirtless omg he looked so cute

"Good morning" i greeted him with a smile but he didn't say a word and just went to the washroom. He was behaving nicely yesterday then what happened today. I came downstairs and greeted everyone. I miss papa (Tara's father) . I and Tara were serving breakfast to everybody Ayaan was behaving so nicely with Tara but Azaan didn't even talk to me since the morning. I felt really bad about how Azaan was behaving with me .

At evening everybody were getting me ready for our Walima . After getting me ready the beauticians left the room and I was all alone .

Azaan came in and his glance fall on me . He was about to leave the room but I stopped him "can we talk" I asked hoping he would agree but he didn't bother to answer me instead he left the room. Downstairs everybody were waiting for the newlyweds.

Azaan was nowhere to be seen , I met papa and phupo i became emotional after seeing them . I saw Tara standing in a corner and looking at us I called her near us .

She came and greeted papa and phupo but papa left without saying anything to her and " I hope you're keeping everyone happy here , specially your husband . Keep him happy or else he will throw you out of his house then don't come back to us " phupo taunted her and left . I really feel bad for her, they don't behave nicely with her.