Rise Against Them

Akin was in the training room with his class and captain, but they started running towards the suit cabin, where the soldiers dressed in their armor suits.

They were being invaded by some kind of pirate group, using a ship that was once owned by the Galactic Foundation. They had probably done this many times before, approaching countless starships in the Pamini II sector.

Akin and the rest of the 6th class came close to the suit cabin. There, they saw the pirates placing some of the students and workers who respected their orders inside a room, closing the automatic door. The rest of them, those who were not following, were killed without warning. A mass shooting had just taken place in front of Akin's eye and he couldn't believe it. He even recognized one of the students shot to death, Kalil Ponder, a newly accepted student in the 9th class.

"Akin," Captain Sonomott said by his side. "They're headed this way." "We need to take them down, now." He completed.

"How we're doing it?" Akin asked confused. The "pirates" had more advanced weapons than the foundation itself, and no pirate has these types of weapons. The Captain proceeds to give Akin a pistol of jadaronian energy. It's one of those in the training room. How did he not think about it?

Maybe nervousness spoke louder.

"So... What's the plan?" Veiggo asked frowning. "We are definitely not taking all of them down. Not with just two jadaronian energy pistols."

"And I never killed anyone." Blavius said. "Me neither." Camare added.

"Okay. Here's the plan," said Captain Sonomott apprehensively. "Akin and I are going to buy enough time for you to get into the suit cabin and change." He said. "The Foundation places twice as many suits for our soldiers in the cabins. If something happens."

"You sure you're really a ship's captain, sir?" Partia asked. "And a Foundation's ex-commander?" Veiggo added.

"I wonder all day, kids." He answered smiling.

"Wouldn't it be better if you were the guy to get suited up, sir?" Akin asked. "No," he said. "I ain't letting you kids die, here. You suit yourselves up, and get out of the ship."

"You're planning to die, sir?" Vantner asked apprehensively. "Still thinking about it, kid." He answered. "Actually, no." He said. "I'll take you all out of here and, try contact with the Foundation. Now, let's do it."

It was time to make the plan work. With a quick reaction, Akin pulled out his weapon and aimed it directly at a pirate leaning against the ship's wall, killing him instantly. He was followed by his captain, knocking down two more. For a few seconds, the invaders were in total shock, long enough for the two of them to take everyone frozen in the corridor.

"NOW!" Akin screamed. The entire 6th class got up from their hiding and ran out to the suit cabin, with more pirates coming down the hall, shooting everywhere, trying to hit anyone anywhere. Fortunately, none of them were hit by the pirates, making it into the room.

After a few minutes, they were surrounded. Only the two against an equivalent of fifteen or more people.

"What now, sir?" Akin asked with a trembling voice.

"We are gon---" The Captain started and suddenly stopped. His eyes frozen for an instant, and then back to reality. "AKIN! MOVE, NOW!" He screamed in horror as he tried to move the boy from the place.

Looking desperately at his side, Akin saw an energy grenade launched down the hall. He got up, trying to run, but it was too late. The grenade exploded. The pirates probably did not know of its power, since they not only hit Akin and Sonomott, but all those unprotected.


The spaceship was lined with a hard and resistant metal, called Kannium. It was tough enough to withstand explosions from an energy grenade, without causing the death of all the crew in outer space.

The students from the 6th class heard noise outside the cabin, but decided to get dressed before finding out what had happened.

Captain Sonomott was not seriously injured. He stood up, shivering a little, keeping his legs balanced as he leaned against the cold, metal walls of the hall. He saw Akin, still lying on the floor, approaching slowly, while still trying to keep his balance.

"Akin! Wake up! We gotta go to the suit cabin before more of them get in here!" The Captain shouted. "AKIN!" He yells one more time.

He noticed a vast amount of blood coming out of the boy's head. His body hard and cold, his hands and legs hot from the explosion.

The captain then continued shouting.


Akin didn't move.

For the captain, Akin was dead.