Chapter Four - Erza Visits Lee's Home

The group was making their way back to Magnolia and the Fairy Tail guild, their mission completed with speed and ease thanks to Lee's intervention. They weren't even injured or tired in the aftermath of taking on an entire dark guild - all thanks to Lee. Erza couldn't help but keep glancing his way as they sat on the train, Natsu's once-more unconscious body draped across her lap. When the train finally deposited them back in Magnolia and they began to go their separate ways, Erza followed after Lee rather than going on her own path, dragging her luggage behind her as she followed him and Konata.


She kept a healthy distance from them, and the pair did not appear to notice her intent. Certainly, they glanced back her way from time to time, but they didn't speed up, or try to take numerous turns to lose her, or confront her. They merely began to whisper to one another in hushed tones while their gazes repeatedly went behind them. She was managing to maintain a low profile, keeping her eyes focused dead ahead. It also happened to give her an excellent look at Lee's toned butt.


Lee and Konata appeared to have a home of their own, or perhaps it was simply rented. No, when they arrived, Lee whispered something to Konata, she rolled her eyes, and left him alone. Presumably she lived somewhere else, then. That was valuable information she could use in the future, that he lived alone. Her reconnaissance mission had been a success, and she began to change directions, planning to drag her luggage back to her own home.


"You're leaving already?" Lee asked, making her start as she turned around to face him. "Such a beautiful lady shouldn't have to drag such a great weight all around town without any break," he said.


"It's no great weight for me," she replied casually. He had obviously noticed her presence, but simply assumed their paths were similar, and was now offering his home to her as a place to take a temporary rest, unnecessary as it might be. No, this was an opportunity - she could surreptitiously examine his home environment, which might reveal more about his interests, without raising his suspicions. "But I appreciate the offer. You're welcome to visit my own place at any time," she said, genially.


Rather than taking the several minutes she expected, Lee simply used his time magic to "warp the luggage forward," until it was piled up inside his home as if it had been brought in by their own hand. Such an impressive application of his magic! Many mages chose to focus on their combat abilities, such as Natsu, but it was obvious that Lee was using his abilities for their various valuable domestic and daily functions. It showed a kind of thoughtfulness that she could admire, as she also used her Requip ability to rapidly shift between various clothes when it wasn't necessary to be in armor.


In fact, it wasn't necessary to be in armor at the moment. That realization caused her to requip into a more appropriate outfit.


Not one of her numerous sexy dresses, but a more subdued sweater. After all, Lee currently thought she was simply a friend visiting - suddenly shifting into some dress appropriate to clubs or balls would no doubt be strange, given the homey environment. A sweater did have the advantage of being a classically sexy clothing in its own right, of course, and by the way that Lee openly eyed her up, gaze running up and down her body, it was entirely effective. She could feel her cheeks heat somewhat at his stare, visible even behind his sunglasses, his uninhibited nature meaning that even when he had simply invited a comrade into his home to allow her a brief rest, he would gladly eye her up given the slightest opportunity. She was not embarrassed of her own body - what sense would there be in being embarrassed of her own body? - but she still felt a strange warmth as he eyed her up like that.


"You have a carefully sculpted body, as if by one of the gods themselves," he told her. That only intensified the warmth, which grew across her cheeks and slid down to her torso.


She didn't let it show on the outside. "Thank you. You are quite attractive yourself," she told him, with a brisk nod. It was true, and there was no shame in saying true things.


"Your eyes wander my home freely - would you like to see what condition my bedroom is in?"


His bedroom? Such an intimate space would doubtless contain many of his most vital, personal details. She rapidly nodded. "I would be honored if you would show me to it."


He took her hand in his, drawing her along with him, his fingers subtly running against the back of her hand in a way that caused her heart to beat faster than it had during the entire fight with the Eisenwald guild. She could hardly even hear herself think, as he drew her to his bedroom. The most prominent thing she noticed was that the main attraction of the bedroom was clearly the bed. It was large, and just by looking at it, you could tell it was made of some kind of soft material intended to make for the most luxurious of sleeps. Her hands reached out for it, pressing down, and she couldn't help but feel some small pang of jealousy that Lee had such a pleasant bed. She could sleep anywhere, under any conditions, but still.


"It's clear to me that you wish to use the bed," Lee said. "I'd gladly allow you to."


"I could not in good conscience put such a valueless comrade out of his own bed merely for my own convenience," Erza replied. He truly was a kind man, but she really should be going.


There was a brief pause, as Lee stared at her for a long second. He stepped towards her, getting within a foot, his expression partly obscured by his sunglasses, and she simply stared at him, confused at his sheer closeness for several seconds - then suddenly she felt a brisk air around her arms and stomach and neck despite the fact that she was wearing a sweater. She looked down to discover the cause: she was not, in fact, wearing a sweater any longer, but simply a bra, and her sweater was instead in Lee's hands. "That is - truly an astounding talent," she said, turning her gaze back to Lee's own.


Then he placed his hands on her shoulders and began to push. She remained still in her location, his feet scraping backwards against the ground. "Have I offended you somehow, that you're now trying to push me out of your home?"


"No," he told her, his voice iron hard as he straightened up once more, giving up on pushing her. "I was trying to push you down onto the bed, so that we could make sweet love and enjoy all sorts of carnal delights together."


"I see." Her heart was hammering in her chest at an incredibly fast pace, so loud now that it felt like it was thundering in her ears. "You should make your intentions clear in the future," she declared, removing her clothing entirely with a quick use of Requip.


He looked at her strangely for a moment, as though befuddled by her words - then his head began to tilt downward as he drank in her naked body. She began to remove his own clothes, her hands hurriedly pulling away his rather limited clothing choice, revealing more of his handsome, attractive body, her lips parting softly in anticipation of the delights that were no doubt about to come. She'd never felt this way about a man - and never done this sort of thing with one.


No, she had undressed herself in front of men, of course, that was nothing worth remarking on in particular. But they were going to make love once their naked bodies were fully exposed. Her fingers went to his sunglasses to pull them off, and his own hand snapped up to them, holding them in place firmly. "Please remove your sunglasses," she stated, her voice firm as she began to peel them inch by inch away from his face.


"No, if you remove my glasses, my incredible powers will no doubt be crushed."


"That is absurd. Take off your sunglasses." He was fighting her quite hard, but she was the stronger of the two of them, so she soon managed to drag his sunglasses off his face, and neatly set them to one side. By the time she'd turned her attention back to him, he'd put a fresh pair on his face. "You cannot be expecting for us to lose our chastities together while you are wearing sunglasses."


"I am afraid that is exactly what I am expecting," he told her.


There was a long moment of silence. It was followed by several attempts to remove or crush his sunglasses, but he appeared to have a great number of them, and would replace one with the other. Eventually, she had to give it up. "Fine. If you wish to wear sunglasses during our first incident of carnal relations, then I suppose I cannot stop you." She had just been trying, and failed to do so, after all.


At her admission of defeat, he grasped the back of her head, pulling her into a kiss. Since she understood his intent well this time, she let him control her body, guiding her down onto her back on the bed as his tongue hungrily invaded her mouth, his tongue wetly licking at her gums, her palate, her own tongue, twisting and twining inside her mouth as he used his own body to pin hers. She could feel his length, his hardness and girth, as it brushed against her stomach. The faint hint of wetness as his precum smeared across her stomach. She was growing wet with anticipation, lost in the moment, ready to lose her virginity to this man.


He broke off the kiss, just smiling down at her, one hand taking a firm hold of his length and pressing it inside her. There was a faint juttering movement of her body, and suddenly he was buried to the base. There was none of the pain she'd expected from her first time, only the gentle feeling of being filled up. Her breath felt wet in her throat, and she stared up at him from there, her cheeks warm. "I used my power to avoid the pain of defloration."


"Thank you, Lee," she said, with a quick nod. Even in a situation like this, he showed consideration for his comrades, and clever use of that time magic he was so expert in. Now that he was firmly inside her, his hands sild along her body, running along her toned stomach, reaching her breasts, and beginning to simply squeeze. He was rough, but it felt good, like the burn of a good workout. She felt herself just sigh in sweet ecstatic agony, as his fingers dug roughly into her bust, her toes curling as his cock rapidly slammed in and out of her sex.


She did not want to fail to make certain he felt good as well, however. For all the maddening pleasures he was inflicting upon her, with his brutal groping of her breasts and bestial thrusts into her recently-virginal sex, she was nothing if not thoughtful of her partner. Her hands went to his flanks, groping and squeezing his stomach as he pushed inside her. Her fingers trailed along his body, her eyes wandering freely across that tan skin of his, her breath a little shallow as she leered up at him. He was incredibly handsome and sexually appealing - she was truly lucky to be the first woman to get into his bed.


Her hand eventually wound up caressing his balls, her other hand grasping him by the head and dragging him down into a kiss once more. Her body, acting of its own volition as a consequence of the intense sensations he was inflicting upon her, wrapped its legs around his hips and began to furiously work her up and down his length, her tight sex squeezing down hard as he was pulled deep inside her over and over again. He just groaned, clearly enjoying himself well enough, so she didn't bother trying to reassert herself over her rebellious and deeply lascivious body, simply enjoying the rough and frantic feeling of his length, sliding deep inside her, filling her up again and again.


It wasn't long before that, the most intense and final pleasure, crashed down against her thoughts, what was called the little death coming upon her. Her thoughts whited out, and she could only jerk and twitch with pleasure, her fingers scraping at Lee's scalp as she lost herself utterly in the moment, tasting his saliva as if it were the most delicious treat in the world. In that moment, she simply was - no concerns, no anxieties, no need to maintain any pretense.


When she came down from that high, the mountaintop experience of bliss, his hands had moved from her breasts down to her buttocks, squeezing and molesting her ass cheeks with the same deeply arousing attentiveness, fingers simply clawing and scraping away at the flesh there, sending hot waves of bliss and desire through her body as she shuddered beneath him. It was difficult to maintain her composure under such circumstances, being subjected to such a carefully-calibrated assault, designed for nothing more than her own pleasure... he played with her ass cheeks as if they were silly putty, squeezing the flesh beneath his grip, despite their far greater firmness, and the sensation of sweet ecstasy mixed with cruel sadism was overwhelmingly wondrous.


It became clear to her in short order that she was unable to keep up her own end of the bargain in this moment of sexual intimacy. She wanted so dearly to please her lover as much as he was pleasing her, but she could do no such thing. She would have to make it up to him later, she silently committed to herself, as she came for the fifth time in as many minutes. He twisted her body around, pressing her breasts into the bed beneath her, her fingers clawing at the soft material, her fists occasionally raining down on it. Even in that position, he kept up his attentive play, showing careful attention to her ass as he brought down open-handed strike after open-handed strike on her ass.


She, on the other hand, could do nothing but squeal and gasp in pleasure with each progressive thrust. The only lamentable part of the entire experience was that the bed was so soft there was hardly any stimulation to her breasts as she was smushed into it - the furious pace of Lee inside her was more than enough to compensate for that particular flaw, however, and she just squirmed beneath him, eyelashes fluttering, completely losing herself in the moment, turning into mere putty in Lee's hands. She could only hope that he enjoyed being dominant, because with such skills being brought to bear on her body, she doubted she could manage anything much.


The first time she felt him come - that thick, sticky substance feeling so strange as it was sprayed inside her - she thought it was over. Men could not ejaculate as many times as they pleased, after all. She felt a vague sense of disappointment, as he filled her up. Half of it was that she had so utterly failed in her capacity as a lover, something she could only attribute to her virginity. The other half was that the sex was finished then.


"That was, incredible, Lee," she panted out, feeling her red hair tangling around her bare skin, as the light sheen of sweat clung to her body.


"You speak as if our lovemaking is finished, dear Erza," he said, his voice dripping with romantic sentiment. She let out a chuckle - he looked as if he'd gotten even more exhausted by their lovemaking than she'd been. She couldn't imagine he would really be able to keep going. It was mere bravado - admirable, but foolish.


Then, suddenly, he didn't look tired at all, the sweat instantly flicked away, vaporized into nothingness, any trembling of his body from exertion vanishing in the blink of an eye. "That is quite the versatile magic," Erza said, and he immediately began to roughly fuck her again, once more bringing her ecstasies with every strike of his palm against her ass, every grope of her buttocks, every rough thrust deep inside her. She could feel his hands sinking into her ass cheeks, the way he so eagerly and capably molested her body every which way. He never let her get used to it, never gave her the opportunity.


* * *


The great Erza Scarlet was on her hands and knees before me, gladly submitting to my endless and rapacious assault, moaning faintly as the wet noises of sex continued to echo in the room. It was sweet ecstasy, to have her in such a position.


Oh, there had been concerns along the way. When she appeared oblivious to the reason I had invited her to my room and removed her sweater; when she kept trying to remove my sunglasses, which were a part of the great pact I had made with the goddess Susie; and when I completely lost control of myself and started to just paw at her body with nothing but selfish desire, fucking her hard and rough because I couldn't control my pace. I was lucky that I had the presence of mind to skip past her maidenhead and to give her a kiss before giving her my cock - seeing such a beauty, naked and willing before me, had stolen all my good sense. I did not enjoy being selfish in the bedroom, but, in the moment, I could hardly control myself, and simply did whatever felt best to me.


Fortunately, it seemed to have had little negative impact on Erza herself. Perhaps it was natural sensitivity on her part, but by the time I had come for the first time, she'd come at least six times by my own count. I had done not a single damn thing thinking of her. My fingers were playing with her ass cheeks as I continued to pump inside her, and she was mewling like a kitten beneath me with each progressive thrust, her body gently sliding on the soft bed. When I came inside her for the third time, I pulled out, and she sighed, her eyes flicking up to look at me.


Her expression was warm and kind, despite how cruel and selfish I'd been with her. It seemed, however, that my mind had not yet recovered enough to claim control of my base sexual desires, as I once more used my time magic to warp my body back to before any sexual exhaustion. She sighed lustily as she saw my cock hard once more.


In this position, with my fingers digging into her ass cheeks, I couldn't help but notice her puckered little rosebud, oh-so-tempting as it sat there, practically pleading for my cock. I took a deep breath, steadying my will, trying to restrain myself - but I failed. My cock was still slick with her juices, and I angled it up for her asshole. She blushed at that, her gaze averting, but she didn't resist, didn't argue, didn't even voice the slightest concern. Her response was more like what one would expect of a girl being asked to wear a necklace her beloved bought her, than that of a woman being subjected to yet more rough and forceful and selfish sex.


Any willpower I had to resist simply melted out of me at that moment, and my fingers dug into her ass cheeks once more, as I thrust eagerly inside her. She gasped softly, this incredibly feminine noise, her eyelashes fluttering as I pushed into her. I hadn't taken my time at all, simply slammed my cock as deep into her as I could get it, which turned out to be all the way, my balls lightly slapping against her still-wet sex.


"Another virginity, lost..." she said, in a soft and sweet voice, which only drove me even more wild. As my fingers dug into her ass cheeks, it felt wonderful, little bits of flesh squeezed out between my fingers even as most of her muscular ass remained completely resistant to anything I might do to her. I started to pull my hips back, the tightness of her ass serving to slow the process down, but all her squirming couldn't stop the inevitable pull back - and the equally inevitable thrust forward.


The bed didn't squeak beneath us - instead, it shuddered and jiggled and bounced, its softness not brought by any springs. It created an unusual and fascinating effect on Erza's lovely body, which slid about this way and that. Part of it was from her own arousal, her body pumping back against mine with hungry need to get herself off, while part of it was simply physics, each push causing a push back when there was no more force acting on her body. Each movement made her gasp and pant and moan in delighted pleasure, completely, shamelessly losing herself in the moment.


"Ah, Lee, Lee, you, ah," she said, not particularly coherent at the moment. Some part of me wished to tease her, but my mouth wasn't working, my mind too busy focusing on the pistoning feeling of my cock, ramming itself deep inside the woman below me and then slowly pulling it out. My hands came down on her ass cheeks a few dozen more times, a brainless maneuver that was done without any concern for Erza's feelings on the matter - fortunately, she seemed utterly satisfied with the treatment, even wiggling her ass invitingly with each progressive spanking.


She came in that position. It was a shock, as her ass wrapped itself around my cock with her normal iron grip, and I found myself inevitably drawn alongside her into the sweet and final bliss as I let go right then and there.


When I was spent, I cleaned us both up with some quick application of time magic, but managed to keep enough of my senses to avoid simply lustily pinning her to the bed beneath me once more.


"Thank you. That was quite wonderful," she said, glowing with golden light as her armor once more appeared around her naked body, and she immediately started to depart, leaving me naked on the bed.


"For what purpose do you flee from my presence, woman?" I asked, in a booming voice, even as I started to gather my own clothes and fast-forward to wearing them.


She turned to me, a faint frown on her lips. "We have completed the task of making sweet love and enjoying carnal delights together. Therefore, my business here is concluded."


"You can instead choose to remain by my side for some sensual and romantic cuddling." She lit up like a Christmas tree - literally. First in the vivid red of a blush, then in the gold of a Requip, and then, once she was wearing nothing but a negligee, she power-bombed my body right into the bed, wrapping her arms around me as she held me close. I took the occasional opportunity to grope her naked body, but she offered no complaint as she snuggled up to me.


The sun had yet to fall beneath the horizon, but she was passed out against me within a minute.