
The Reincarnated, The Twin, The Peace, The Meadow Elf and The Rich

Pacifica was there playing with her harp, Lindir was brewing his tea, Jeanette and Jonathan were catching the fireflies in the backyard while Rowan was staring blankly at the wall, me on the other was sleeping in the hammock reading my books.

The melodic music swayed around let the air carrying them around sending its sound to everyone.

"This is the song my dad taught me how to play"

Pacifica continued to play her harp half practicing half performing. Everyone kept their voice low not disturbing her.

My hammock rock slowly as if it was dancing to the music, in a very calm and soothing way.

For a period of time, the room was so lovable and kissable, so warm and friendly, everyone starts to daze a little including the twin.

"I‟m sleepy" Lindir yawned, "I‟m going to get some pillows and blankets"

Everyone started to make their bed to go to sleep. Midway, I stopped and walk out the door clutching my book.

"I‟m not sleepy yet"

The fireflies are all gone and animals went to sleep, the sky was deep blue hue and the moon was dazzling full. The moonlight was my only way to see in the blind dark night.

A click sound of the opening door, I saw the lad with black hair and black eyes or what he appeared to look like.

"Can‟t sleep?"

"Yeah" He nodded a little walking my way.

"The air is so fresh" he breathe in and out, "It‟s calming"

"The other asleep yet?" asked standing next to him.

"Deep in to dreamland" He had a small smile on.

We were standing on the porch resting our hands in our pajamas‟ pockets.

The moon reflected in his dark brown eyes looking as beautiful as ever. Though he might not be the attractive person like the man I used to like, he just seems much more handsome.

"You actually look quite nice right now", "A statement or a compliment?"

"Up to you"

I looked at him in the eyes still admiring those same orbs that look so colorful at the moment.

"With you, I feel so safe and comfortable. You‟re just so mature" he said.

"I am. I beat you by two years"

"That‟s not what I meant" He glared at me.

"Like as if you‟re someone I could wish to be with, like in a relationship"

Keeping the silence still, I gazed at the moon in the large titanic sky.

Everything looks so small compare to the big room above our heads, the universe just feel enormous more than usual.

Anything is possible when the sky‟s so great. Anything, everything and all of things are possible. Chances are everywhere, though small and big, there are still chances. While hope born and die every second like how beings breathe every day.

All the things that had happened to me, fate must have pity me. Pity me for being lonely growing up and dying lonely also. Amalthea Junvee, was a tragic life I‟ve gone through.

Odella Homielle Cath was a life that taught me of hope and healing. A life where I learned to get over my pain, when I matured.

"Are you asking me out?"

A sudden question after the sentimental hour made him choke on his saliva.

Coughing violently "Suddenly?" "Yeah", "I guess so"

He looked down on his feet trying to hide his face probably.

"I never knew a naughty boy like you could blush"

My hands cupping his cheeks, I leaned in closer to him.

The muscles around my body moved so freely and my heart sang so happily, I kissed him on his forehead which was a bit of task since he was taller.

When I felt my lips landed on his forehead, I pulled back to see the blushing mess tomato Rowan.

"Now go to sleep before you became a slumber monster in the morning"

As if a flower blooms on his forehead, he kept touching it with the most surprised face ever.

I wait no longer and walk in giggling to myself. "I won‟t take this life for granted"