The orb-weaver

She proudly stepped forth beside the old Lady and still, I could not believe my eyes. I heard about them before, but all of a sudden witnessing what they are capable of is something else that words cannot explain.

If it were a normal day, I would faint right after what I witnessed and could be considered the least for a coward like me. These people were like ghosts. Then, the two strangers were looking at me and their eyes glittering. Could I be a prey? What do they eat? Could it be humans? In my opinion, they did not have good intentions in their minds. Although, I wished that it could be perfect if I were skilled to read minds. Like some of those elders in their courts. Sadly, I hadn't that skill.

"I'm a Crane and she is the Weaver. Your master, she will be! We are here as you wished before."

I wished them! What wish she mentioned? She is jesting or intending to mislead me. While that weaver had kept that foolish smile for the whole being time, the bird-human, or the creature that I could not name, was too serious.

She reminded me of my fluid mechanic's teacher! What a moment I remembered her! Studying physics at that university can not really satisfy me! I used to ask questions and they used to make it a mission that needed to be solved within twenty-four hours.

The old weaver was short and a bit looked oversized because had concealed among those Guernsey outfits. It was not that chill to wear too many clothes. But her feature was like a kindhearted Nan. She had kept a basket in her hand. A few yarn rolls and two needles had thrust inside it.

Her grizzle hair braided and pinned up her head. Unlike the fancy bird whom looked like an angel in those light silky dress. Perfectly showing her charming bony body. What was that much of pomposity for?

"Alright, let's see who you had chosen this time. I hope she deserves the Gold Weaver title, although I'm not sure," the rude being stated. It teased me to the bone! She started a nasty game with me from the very beginning. I do not like playful girls!

"She won't disappoint us." The weaver's eyes glowed as she replied, but it turned my stomach out of fear! I could hear my groaning bowels.

I straightened my slouchy shoulders. Anyway, her compliment warmed my heart for a few seconds! Actually, I didn't know what they are talking about.

Then a black spider with white dots on its fat vast ass crawled out of her basket. No, wait, yet I did not get my answers! What was it? It leaped upon me. Crap! That was an Orb-weaver! I really dislike them especially when they bite, and you must bear a large size bruise itching all after it and the fever, which is worse than death. Of course, if you are allergic.

I was dangling to run away from it, stumping my feet to smash it. I shrilled and the small insect fell off, but again jumped on me. It was too smart or I was a pure thick-skulled, I could not realize! I looked at the two persons who were watching me and doing nothing. I cursed them under my breath!

"Are you sure about her, Weaver?" The bird mocked.

I was not in a situation to respond to her but gloated at her. I thought if in one percent I survived that, she would get no chance to escape away from me before I sew her lips by those needles!

As I kept resisting, a golden string wiggled in the air and wrapped around my ankles. It rolled above my wrists as if roots grew along with my arms and smashed me down on the back. The spider crawled on my face, got close to my eyes. I could see the tiny nip right near my iris.

"Don't tell me that you... shi…" It did not allow me to finish the cuss, dogged its sharp tiny nip into my Iris.

My brain almost exploded. The pain was like a sharp blade ripping me off from inside. I began to quake, guessed they had kidnapped me to do some biological tests! Maybe those old movies affected them wrongly! It was cruel. My heartbeats raced and I was breathing, gasping hardly.

Unexpectedly, everything traveled very fast over my sight.

At that moment I became baffled, which one was a dream? The spider that I could feel it yet was crawling over my skin or the alternative views across my sight! Even the scent of dried blood on my skin was still tormenting me. Or the running one on my hand! I touched my forehead nothing was there but sweat!

The moment of being there, I was not jovial, nor forlorn, but then I felt everything. She said, I made a wish but I could not remember the last time that I had made a wish. Was she jesting? Those serious figures would not show any tinge of it! So, they were telling me the truth.

Even in details, I could not be assured of wishing a weaver or a Crane. I had nothing to do with them and never volunteered to be a part of the immortals' plan. Not my type, they were!

I got that bite and could remember what had happened after the Earthquake. I was the only survivor from it. My whole family no longer were alive.

The pain twisted over my brain, made it about to explode, my vision was blurry, but I could notice where I was. Yet, inside the weird immortal court-chamber of Rose Vita.

The Crane was peering at me seemed disappointed. Her right hand laid on her hip then began to stare at her golden fine nails, which were claws a while ago.

I coughed, and coiled. I could remember what had happened to me, but still confused about why would I be there?

As the whistle released my head, I tried to stand straight on my feet, when I find out that something was wriggling between my fingers. I looked down on it. The golden string was moving through my fingers. It wasn't terrified me anymore.

"What had you done to me and my family?" I claimed.

The Crane Lady waved a finger, and I found myself floating in the air.

"You rude kitten how dare you to speak like this?" Then directed to the weaver Lady and added, "Where did you get this beef-brained? Are you sure she is ready for the hunt?"

They just answered my question inappropriately!

"She is the one, I see her strength, and she is the golden weaver."

"What am I? Who are you? I just lost my family how can you be cruel to kidnap me?"

I could see that she was about to cut off my throat for that accusation.