
Three days had passed since the day that I strangely went under contract. I was unconscious inside the hospital because my left hand had broken and my head bumped. However, I did not get serious harms or condition that cause my obit or even make me lay in bed for the rest of my life.

Surviving that earthquake could be a pure miracle.

I was grateful for everything; of course, if you consider me as a lucky person, either way. I had to suppress my rage and think well to get rid of the contract very soon. Where was the string? I heard the serum drops dripped quickly into the tube and wiggled into my vessel by that tiny needle. I really hated needles, immortals, and weavers; the thought in my brain cursed.

Then I opened my eyes in panic.

Roby was right beside the window looking down. I could guess due to that earthquake it must be huge throngs outside there. My throat was as dry as gangue; my torn lips as sharp as razor. I was like a walking desert! My tongue had gone heavy barely I afford to say, "Water."

What was the heat inside me?

Robot A1, a white flying globe nurse robot heard my low tune, finishing the analysis process with its cute voice said, "I phoned your Nurse, welcome to Vita; Tania Li."

I grinned and a minute later, the nurse like a prompt angel without wings sneaked inside. He was the most handsome man that I ever met.

"Hello guardian angel," I blurted.

He couldn't hold back his smile. His blue eyes blazed and it was so charming until he answered. "Or can be a grim reaper!" he wickedly smirked and disturbed my mood. Recently, people used to wake up on the wrong side of the bed before coming to have a meeting with me.

After he checked my condition, walked to Robot A1 and said, "A1, did you scribble your scan?"

"Yes, Nurse James. I recorded everything."

My handsome nurse explained something that I barely could understand and left the room.

It was noon when Veronica emerged in the doorway and I was entirely sober.

She had brought food packages and all were broth but had different recipes, and colors. I could make up a nice drawing on white walls if I had a brush to pull it inside each. She did not want me to eat from the hospital kitchen! What was the difference? All tasted like water and smelled like a fetid aquarium!

She drew a tureen out of her package.

"You must eat Tania," she insisted to push the spoon into my mouth and feed me as if I was a kid, but I had no relish to eat that.

"A1, report my condition," I asked the flying robot, which just entered the room and rescued me from food.

"You are doing fine, Tania Li. Your bones abnormally healed and the doctor is coming in five seconds." As it finished I began the countdown in my brain.

"Hello, Miss. Li." The doctor entered the room and that teasing handsome nurse was after him.

"Hi, doctor, can I leave?" She was amazed and took her a while to answer me. A middle-aged blond woman with short hair. She pulled her eyeglasses on the bridge of her nose. Why would she peer at me like that?

"Of course, and don't get hurt again," she said, but I studied that face. She would think I was one of those immortals! The fact was unlike it.

"I won't Doctor." My eyes were on Nurse James; unintentionally. If the immortal court would send me someone like him, I could be gladder like a gallbladder, which helps the liver to clean the messy fat. I am just like it for that court they kept me for help and once they were done they would gladly take me out, yes, I am so damn bitter and may poison them; I would clean this world from dark spirits if was one of them, anyway.

But they sent me that boastful crane. I was fine and ready to start life from scratch, from the very beginning. Yet, didn't know how to set down my anger and a heavy heart. Who can bear to lose the whole family at once? Neither I could do so. I wanted that stretching time barreling as fast as it could furthermore letting me be off the bed.

They unwrapped my hand and other wounds, which had entirely healed. They said I must wait to finish another serum! But why? No one explained. Now, that I was a part of the immortal's arena I would rather see what it looked like as soon as possible. I wanted to peer at the sky and ensure it didn't change yet as if my life had changed within a damn cursed week!

When the doctor and her assistances left I turned to Roby. I could not ask my sister in savagery. Her heart agonized too.

"How was the funeral?" It was the first time that I had moved my tongue to speak about it since I opened my eyes. Tears brought a shine into my sister's eyes.

Roby lifted her head to me and answered, "It went well, are you doing well? Any pain?" She sat at the edge of my bed.

Veronica already changed her mind to force me to eat. I knew that I broke her heart, but I had to keep my distance away from her only for the safety of Ella and herself.

There was no warning if the evil spirits could hurt my family. What if they realize who am I? Or even could chasing me around. Until I learn about everything, I shall be cautious.

That foolish and selfish wish that I made brought this to me, I only wished for myself to change my own life. My heart got as heavy as stone.

"You must gather yourself up, Veronica; go home. I'll be fine, I'll be released by 10 o'clock today."

"Fine, before it, you promise me that you to eat well, I'm coming to see you", then turned to Roby and emphasized, "Please take care of her."

"Don't you worry, just go home." She replied.

The sore and heat over my head increased, but to hide that I pressed the blanket watched her leaving. As she slammed the door behind, I puffed and rapidly took out the serum needle and tried to get up. The train in my head whistled again, my gaze blurred.

"Hey idiot, what are you doing?" She cried out and her face flickered out of rage. Her voice harassed my head.

"We are leaving the hospital; take me to Attorney Fen Chen."

"He had sent an email yesterday," Roby informed.

I had to talk to him about the company's restitution. The only hope that my father once was talking about and I didn't take it seriously.