Earthquake (2): farmhouse- Freaky

Until you have the money, you are a lovely princess but when your pocket is as empty as their brains, you will become a stranger peasant and they rarely remember who you are. Unfortunately, recently their visions got poor, and can't recognize you from a one-meter distance.

What did I feel? Alternatively, how I resisted that? I couldn't because already a grisly disillusionment feeling ingested me. One of those that you think Life or Destiny had off hooked you in a desert with no water and even god left you to suffer. Nevertheless, I had to be strong for many reasons. As an eighteen years old girl;

I found myself at the edge of a gorge, looking down and I just could see darkness, a mere one. Perpetually, a sound iterated into my mind, "if you jump you'll be released," but a powerful divine force pushed me back. It didn't want me to give up.

Thinking that someone or even your own soul wanted you to go forward and live; it was virtuous to feel someone cared about you. I never realized from which source emanated to interrupt that sound.

I looked back; Mom and Chase covered the furniture with a piece of plastic while my father was on the other side. I had soaked in my thoughts when I approached them and chase handed in a sweep into my chest that almost poked my face. However, I gladly pulled my head back to avoid that possibility.

"Let's finish it quickly then we go wild and crazy into the forest, what do you think, Dimmer?"

"Dimmer?" why would he name me like this? Was it obvious from my face?

"Can't agree more," I added and a simper tagged on my face. On normal days I would scold my twin for not treating me well. In fact, I just learned that there was a forest over there, which my curiosity avoided me to fight with him! Not if I did not know there was a huge expanded forest over there, I was aware of there being near our ears. Actually, the farmhouse had snitched my attention from it.

Mom chimed in. "I wish I could come with you, but diabetes intakes my strength. After cleaning I might take a nap."

"Stay home mom, just have some rest after cleaning up," Chase waffled.

We entered inside the stone cottage, which wasn't more than 80 meters. The door frayed already and needed to be colored immediately before I puke out my bowels and the rest of the content. Just as I inferred before the floor had sketched deep footprints by dust and thick spider webs dangled on each angle of walls.

"Big up!" Chase blurted.

Chase and I had to go back to Rose Vita on Saturday evening, like other twins we were students of the same grades in different majors. He was studying at Art University and would stay in a dormitory so I was supposed to go to my cousin's apartment, Roby.

I do not like them, the poisonous Orb-weavers! Since now, I had gotten three times of bites by spiders and each time fell in fever. Once I couldn't wear breeks because of the bruises on my knees. The webs were enough big to be considered as a silky fabric.

Chase started to ruin the webs with a stick that he found in a corner. I could hear him nagging. Aron was two years older than we were and Veronica four years older. A long time ago we could have left and gone after our own life like my older sister who got married and has a baby girl.

But the problem was that we were holding a family job and now everything was gone. That is about Rose Vita it might push you up or drag you down. You can't even predict a second later. And about me till I had a tumor in my head right near my pituitary gland so nowhere I could go alone till improving completely. Yes, you guessed right, I'm the fourth child out of four. Chase came out thirty seconds before me.

I was the well-informed rebellious one who always said, I hear you! Even when I don't, I always listen rather than talking. However, my father believed that I am so freaky on a nerve and not like everyone else. Yet, I was the popular one. I could entertain a crowd while not even a hint of a smile appeared on my face. My jokes were funny for me!

After removing the spider webs, I began to sweep the floor. Coughing and cursing when I knelt to clean under the dresser and an orb weaver creeped out. This room was supposed to be mine. I screeched as loud as I could. Fell off and blenched with my ass back to a corner. Trembling and weeping. I was like a rat, which just trapped me! Normally, I wasn't a coward but when it was about these crawling giants, everything could change to hell in my sight.

They popped into the room and I pointed out my hand to the frightened spider, which was confused about where it can hide. So sure that little creature was thinking, who is this goosy giant?

Aron took the spider and placed it in his hand then said, "Hey you chicken, look this is just an itsy bitsy spider. Get up to walk around I'll finish here, you are already worn out." Not always, he was treating me that nice, but that time due to my current condition, he did just to get rid of a grumbler!

"I'll take her to the forest," Chase declared.

"Be careful and get back before dawn, I won't come after you if you got lost," Aron warned.

"Say something I believe, I never get lost!" Chase teased. We all knew that they were jesting. I came out of the cottage and the fresh air helped enough to hold me back together.

"I heard that there is a spring over here, let's see where it is."

I nodded and we walked into the road, but for a moment, my heart shivered, neither dread nor depression could make such an emotion. However, something unexpected that you could not have found any definition for it. What was it for?