Boastful crane

I pulled it back as harder as I could. The devil was burning and resisting. The sparkles were raining out from it. Its claws were mightier than I assumed. It grabbed the lash and again threshed me to the dustbin. Awfully, it kicked me away!

"Weaver sent us a goofy; let's see how much you can hang on." its thick windy voice teased my ears.

"Who are you? How do you know her?" At least I could ask its name before sending him to hell. I tasted the blood, which was slipping between my teeth.

"Now that I'm going to intake your soul, I'll tell you my name! Your weaver calls us Zaar Mors."

I could guess why she gave them that name! They could bring us nothing but fatality of the light within us. Could it be the test that Ai, the crane was talking about? She wanted to watch me die or fight! Or maybe run like a chicken. I could swear that she was near.

Mors attacked again, this time I dodged and stopped at a water pit. As long as it had not a regular mortal shape and was just like a wraith I couldn't hurt him. However, when I was inside the pit it didn't approach. I found a weakness! I quickened my pace, making that creature bow was all I wanted.

This dark wraith was sensitive to water! I dove the string inside it, and then splashed it out all over. The string reeled over his hips. The wolf shape demon roared and I pressed it more.

I fell on my knees watching it burning. The wraith transformed into a black coin and a golden circular sign of alchemy symbol was glowing on it. I reached my hand out and picked it up, clenched it in my fist. I rolled my head down, heaving a breath of relief. No words could describe my feelings.

I shifted my head to Roby's car. She got out and rushed to me. Every single part of wounds and bruises ached. And the sky began to pour on us. I rolled my face up let myself enjoy those chill drops, which aimed to heal the chaos within me.

"You're okay?" Her voice repeated in my head many times and faded away when I heard heels, clicking and becoming louder. I scanned those black fancy shoes from toe to up.

"Who are you?" Roby asked, helping me up on my feet.

"She is Ai," I answered and knew why she was here! Just to blame me for that devil spirit. As I guessed, she watched the show and clapped for that Morse for each wound it left on me.

"Hello, Roby!" Her tone was soft and nice. Was it a trick to disturb me? I couldn't feel that mean creature at all!

I coughed and said, "What do you want, Ai? Are you here to pinch my ears?" She passed by me a bothering smirk was on her stunning face. My face was stern. She was watching me like it was amusing to that mischievous wrong side of the bed-born creature.

"Hmm, smart! A good point you have gotten! Why did you hand the string to another person?"

I thought she was there to make fun of me for struggling with the Mors, but she was there to scold me for the string.

"I trust her! And it wasn't a part of the contract! How should I know that, once you left me on that road to die shouldn't you have thought about it?" I made a face for her!

"Oh really! So you don't mind that it had put q deep mark on a regular human and made her a prey for the Mors?"

Roby's face went pale and blank! I watched her and remained speechless!

"You didn't warn me!" It was new on me and she had sent me to a wild world without alerting me!

"You'll keep her as your assistant then! I won't clean the mark on her this can be your punishment!"

I scrubbed my teeth. She wasn't pretending as a wicked witch she was certainly one! She drew out a piece of paper and a Luxury golden card. Moreover, extended her hand out toward me.

"Take this, go to underworld Bar! It is your first mission and you try not to engage with stray ones now. They are powerful not like this one! Don't underestimate them. Keep this advice in your mind for free!" The situation was getting out of hand. Now she had put Roby under hazard and couldn't fix it.

Even pleading to this boisterous being didn't worth it. I had to protect Roby.

"Where is this place?" I was thinking if she led me it would be perfect! But unlike it, she answered,

"Discover yourself! Now it's time to face real demons! Catch the dark Crane, Tania Li. Then bring him to the court for a cross-question." She smirked again.

Was she joking? How could I step into the devil's nest without any preview?

"No way! This is illegal! You can't force her to do what you want. Are you some immortal Mafias?" Roby barked at her. Oh, that was somehow cute. I never saw her nervous like this. My genius cousin was always sitting behind computers, playing with those hovering pages, but now got so intrepid to stand against a Crane who could rip us both to half only by waving a finger. Moreover, she gained all of that courage to support me. Her attempt was good but couldn't work just made Ai burst into a burst of teasing laughter.

"Nice, I like you, Roby! You may be able to hack those cameras and give her a hand! Now you can see the devil spirits, am I wrong?" She approached Roby who was stiffen already.

"Prove me how much brave you are". She whispered in her ears then while looking at us stepped back, the coin in my hand wiggled and as I opened my fist, it flew out of my fist, sat between her fingers, and she vanished.

"I'm merely sorry, Roby," it was all I could afford to say shamelessly!

"She just mocked me, I'll smash her under my fingers". She was so serious; I could see rage was flaring out of her eyes.

"Ouch!" She grabbed my arm.

"The healing process might take time, let's go home tending to you." She added and called Dora.