
The shield  

I took shower and she handed me her casual clothes, asking me to wear my mask. I glanced at Patrise that was drawn deep in her thoughts. She would probably spend her whole time looking for the answer to what her brother said. I felt the butterflies in my tummy. How that demon God could affect me?

"Can you help me figure it out, Patrise?" I pleaded.

I needed background about all of this. About the Immortality court, and about the truth. What were they hiding from us?

"Alright, have a seat, and let me tell you everything from the beginning."

The beginning meant from the day that Vita Throne decided to trust us and let our technology build the shield around the country twenty years ago and said that we would be protected from any menace that might come from outside of the borders. But I believe that everything was more twisted and they didn't want to bother and explain it.

But eight years ago, the nightmares began! The dark world beings were inside the shield. I guessed that there was another reason behind building the shield and settling Aligners to watch there.

"The shield! Tell me why they made it? The fay king never trusted us, either the other hybrids, then all of a sudden he remembered that we are all the being of this world and Vita is our home." I asked and while asking it somehow the butterflies more rebelled in my guts. I remembered that Bo's father was an Aligner but we barely saw him as he was at the shield most of the time and could not leave his post.

"So you saw the shield." Patrise was surprised but I was not!

It was forbidden for regular people to get close to the shield and after the underworld seized no one ever dared to disobey this law. But how I saw? Bo took me there secretly.

"I was there once with a friend. His father was an Aligner. His father is dead now."

"Is that why you don't like Aligners?" She knew the answer but preferred to hear it from me.

"Yes, but I also don't trust Immortals! See, they hide things from us!" I confessed bravely.

"It is for the sake of people Weaver! Some people can't feel the point and probably might be scared of everything! Should we give our enemy what they want? Discord and fear can feed them. This is the king's duty and immortality court to protect all of us and never disturb our peace."

She was somehow right but not entirely because Ai or An could have been at least explaining to me what was going on exactly.

"Now, please tell me what is happening here in Vita and beyond the borders," I begged.

She nodded and got up from the sofa that she was already, walking to the window where the moonlight finally could get rid of the clouds and began to shine and reaching her brown eyes.

"It wasn't only the Alchemist's mistake that the portal got open and those wraiths sneaked out of it! The court of Vita let that part of the fact leak out only for one reason! They needed an explanation to offer our civilizations and avoid any war with the Anonymous country! You know, those magicians never like us!"

"Wait! Wasn't it the alchemists that opened the portal and it ended up in the dark world? So, why shouldn't they blame the alchemists? Even now their heads barely can put their heads up!"

"Not all the alchemists were involved with this! Only their leader was! That is why the king punished all of them and said that they all must hold the responsibility! Opening the portals was an idea from the beginning. Therefore, its case went to the Immortality and Cadickus court then to the king's parliament and they all rejected this issue. Imagine that it got zero votes! Guess who suggested the idea and why?"

She glanced at me over her shoulder, and the moonlight kissed the left side of her face. Patrise was talking about the alchemist's leader, Roman Den. He was a hybrid fay-human but not a normal one! He was a vampire, a rich merchant who used to work with Anonymous country.

"Roman Den!" I said. The acid in my stomach boiled when the name blurted out of my mouth.

"Yes, him! He used to say that if we share our knowledge and inward power with the magicians we would be able to open the portals and travel in a short time. It was simple in words but it could bring us brutal outcomes."

She cleared it for me. Outcomes were those seizes that we went through them, and yet our entire world had gone under siege of a dark source.

"So the mad man didn't give up and got allied with the dark magicians of Anonymous land that even sparrow king had no relish to mess with them! He became a member of one of their clique who is Lashuka's servant and had rooted all around the world. Especially, in Vita.

TECO built the shield to stop the portal from growing right after they realized that the red core of Vita could stand against the portal.

The Vita army was tired of fighting and we lost many forces. But TECO found the solution. They could strangely avert each other and the red core energy was stronger, it shut down the portal. The energy cube extracted the red core's power and fed the shield. Our technology has been protecting Vita. This is why no one can make a portal again. We sold a red energy cube to Soilita, the gypsy kingdom, and ended a long term of empty with our western neighborhood."

I was stunned. The story that we heard was completely different from this one.

"So the immortality court is fighting this clique! Don't you know who they are?"

I was curious although I knew that it was almost impossible to find out! We had no device to read people's souls or even our fays couldn't read minds! The whole time, I thought the fays and immortals caused the portal while experiencing something new but it was supposed to say that I judged them soon and Bo's father didn't die because of them.

"No, we don't! But the beasts that you saw tonight! They came inside the shield on their own! The wraiths that can take faces would change to our shape after a few hours but these were entirely body seekers! It means that someone brought them here! The reason why the Cadickus court sent me here to investigate." She explained.

"Then why would immortality court make the Shadow squad of Aligners and offer them superpowers? They made me under contract!"

"Ah, Weaver; I think, we have a long way before us. Tell me about you and how it happened! I won't record none of this, I promise." She gently smiled.

"Alright, but can you help me to figure out what happened to me a while ago? Why Lashuka is strolling around me?" I drew a hand along with my wet hair, playing with my hair and fingers when I was nervous.

Yet, I had many questions but this young Judge could convince me that I have joined good people.