
The clown show

"They are friends and were in Lake Vita Academy but had sent here from last year due to some disagreements," Patrise said.

Glancing at them, I realized that how much joy they brought to this rough place. 

"Is your brother an Aligner?" Roby asked.

"He was, but unfortunately, he picked a fight with a Big-headed rich boy from a fay family and they ousted him from there! I hardly convinced him to join Cadickus Academy."

"But he is a fay, isn't he?" I asked, the law hadn't the right to oust a fay for a simple fight because that law was only for human's fight against fays.

"He brought up by a human family! It was also a warning for my father." 

Being a member of these courts was hard and affected their family, a binary situation that not everyone could endure. Firsthand, they had to follow over their duty and ignore their relativity.