

"Sorry but I did! Why do you think that the previous weaver was stronger than the crown prince?" She peered into my eyes and added, "Are you sure that he summoned the soil?"

Someone knocked on the door and interrupted us. I strode ahead, opening the door, which was Bo with a package in his hand. I entirely forgot the book and Karmalin's notebook that I left in Bo's car. 

He handed me the package then said, "Be more careful, Tania, the world never was the way we used to look at it."

I nodded and thanked him for that favor. He left immediately and I got back to Patrise.

"Did you clearly see that?" She doubted.

"Yes, the weaver hadn't only the power of string. He was as if those hunters that we saw. He had mind powers." 

"We didn't see the end when the crown prince arrived."

"Our mysterious prince became more exciting!" I said.