

She didn't need to do more when an uproar raised. The guards and the boss seized the human.

"A human? How dare you step here?" The Canary manager yelled at Bo.

"To see how lowlife male fays are and these half-ass beings cry on bare breasts." The girls giggled as Bo mocked the fays and half-breads.

The steam was blowing out of the manager's head. 

"Take him."

One of the werewolf's guards took hold of Bo's arm. The young human hissed and disliked that squeeze. Enammer appeared beside his friend and said, "Let go of my brother."

"Take him too." The boss cried.

Bo twisted the werewolf and hitting with a punch under his throat. The man grabbed his hurting throat, the Aligner turned on his heels, appeared behind him giving him a hard stroke from behind. The guard roared and laid on the ground.

The crowd cheered.