

I saw how Bo and Delun frowned after seeing the dark crane. It seemed they knew each other very well and had not been on good terms with each other.

"I leave." He said and left the room without Ai's permission.

A few other high-grade Aligners entered the room; among them was Commander Chen and two other familiar ones.

"Zach and Elan, fix the smuggler. Commander Chen, please come with me." Ai ordered and with her eyes pointed to my teammates.

Zach and Elan took either side of the chair and picked the man up, peeked at me then they left.

They all moved out of the room and it was only the dark crane and me.

I turned on my heels to take my leave when he said, "From now on I train you and as your master I never allowed you to leave."

I cringed and couldn't take one more step. Why would he become my trainer? Should not it be Ai who has that responsibility?

"Yes, sir!" I blurted.