
A touch of rage

He glanced at the remote, picking it up to continue, "You can use this remote to control it or connect the AWS to your smartwatch."  He showed the watch that everyone had on the wrist except me.

"This is yours, Tania Li." His eyes sharply darted at me and I was avoiding any eye contact with him. 

Eagerly, I went to take it and he added, "Moreover, it has two modes that you can set, it can crawl besides flying so make sure you use it properly. Today you will learn how to fix it."

"Follow the brochure and ask me the questions. I check on each team." The professor finished.

Each person had an AWS. I began reading the instruction. 

"This is hard! I am a buffoon." Elizabeth growled and slid the brochure on the table, picking up the AWS and searching for something that might help her to open it. I was peeking at her, she was touching the small lamps that could let out the rays and scan the shapes.