
Pixie dust

Kicking the blanket away, I got to my feet. The floor wasn't cold but bit my sole. Scrambling forward, I reached the wide-open balcony door and I wasn't able to remember whether I closed it or not. The cold was hurting my brain and I was dangling to quite think well.

My breath was clouding out, I puffed to my hands and scrubbed my palms together. Touching the handle, it was warmer than me. I closed the door and turned on my heel. Hugging my arms, I surged out of the room.

I didn't know where Edward's room was and as long as he loved his mother so much, he must be close to my current room.

I knocked on a few doors, quietly calling his name, and waited for a few seconds. No sound came from inside each.

I saw a shadow that traveled on the wall of the second corridor.

"Edward?" I said, gathering the skirt of my dress up, I tiptoed after the person who just went down the stairs.