
Red moon followers

  "Roby, do you have time?"

"Very busy, here is on fire because of the attack," Roby informed.

"Yes, it is related to that. I heard that they left with no trace. I was reading the book that master Karmalin had given me. There, I found something about a group of rebels that rose against the Nonorite god. They were calling Themselves, the mirror of the Red moon. They used to go around through a mirror and left nothing from them." I explained even without breathing.

"Hello, bunny! You think that they were followers of the Resgole demon?" 

That was Edward! He was there and snatched the Cellphone from my cousin.

"Yes, this story is a newly written one and I never heard of it before. They used to intake the powers from strong souls." I rejoined.

"I will take care of that, three years ago we tossed that demon to the dark world." Edward shared that with me.