
Magician Ghouls

I could hear Reymond roaring. The scent of blood teased my nose. I made the string disk and jumped on it. Rushing to where the invidious noises were coming.

They were hitting the werewolf with their sorcery and he could not handle the all with his mind power.

I met those terrifying creatures for the first time. They were miscreated beings, their faces were as if trucks passed on them. They smelled horrible and it made up a good harmony with their beast features. They were running from every angle and over fifty of them were surging ahead to tear the werewolf. They were flesh consumers and when they were enthusiastic for it and were hungry, nothing mattered.

"What are you doing here?" Reymond cried out for me.

"My power revived the string power, see what I am going to do with them."