

The bird that we sent out for the throne didn't come back from the mission that we sent her.

The weather was getting colder and a week passed being jailed among that light. The invisible beast used to come and beat the light and made it weak. The drugged dogs didn't appear around our village therefore, I reckoned that they had gone to continue their disaster in the nearest neighborhood.

I was sitting on a stone near the light when Keda came beside me. Lavina was making a snowman with the children whose parents were growling.

In their world everything is beautiful. I experienced it once and when they became grown-ups, they remember all of this. This part is annoying.

"Why are you alone?"

He asked, my chin rested on my knees.

"No news came out! I regret my suggestion, we could be now far away from here but I forced these people to stay and fight to save here."

I sighed. Keda leaned back on the tree, scrubbing a wood in his hand.