

On the mountain, Bo loosened that stupid bow and took it off. Throwing it away, he looked at Edward, "I am not yet enough strong to hold the ring of transporting so I am not sure how many of us can pass or where we will appear."

Bo warned them. Lashuka was the one who mattered to pass at any way after reaching there if one percent something happened to them the half-god was the only one who could save and take Tania to the underworld or here.

"We don't have many chances, just move us four if it couldn't grow to move others," Edward noted.

Karmalin shot him a glare, and Ed heard his voice in his head, "at any cause you must get back home."

The sky was clean. With no break, they walked on the last floor of the shrine where a green gemstone was a symbol of the green star.

"Bring her!" Lashuka asked Bo.