

We were at the castle gateway. The guards were scorting us inside. The tip of my fingers grew cold.

Pat grabbed my hand and smiled. "Don't let her gain what she wants, if you earned nothing she wouldn't too."

I nodded, she was right. If a crown brought such confidence to her then she was abusing the overpower she received out of mercy.

The fine cart that they had sent me halted. They were living lavishly but that wasn't the lifestyle that I preferred. I always rather drive a vehicle! Especially, a bike.

"Lady Tania, are you ready?" It was commander Chen who volunteered to company us. Four individuals from the caravan that came from Tharina's throne were by my side. Edward, Richard, Commander Chen, and Pat.

I opened the door and we sneaked outside. I could say nothing but wow! This Queen was truly living in a heaven. How could her heart be more voracious?