
Ai: Hustle

"Ava, are you assured of the spy coming here?" Ai took her hood down, avoiding people to see her face. What the hell this place was, they crossed an arc, and steam clouded on her face.

"Hello Ladies, do you need any service?"

Ai halted; how dare he was? those disgusting teeth bared on her, he drummed those thick fingers on his vast stomach. The scent of sweat turned her guts.

Ava grasped her arm and dragged her forward. That place was not a good place for picking a fight.

"Please come," it was twilight, and if she didn't have to realize what Sherlin was hiding, she would not bother to step in such a stupid alley in the Feral zone.

Ava took her to a bar where more men were sitting and drinking in that smoky air.

"Where the hell he is?" 

Ai growled at Ava.

"Here," she directed to a table on the corner. A young man was there.

"Why did he meet us here?" 

"Someone was chasing him, to get rid of that, he came here."