

Still, the scent of blood was lingering in her nose. Then the way that those pigs were slaughtered made her guts twist. It was only the content of stomach left there and the heads, the livers weren't there at all. Mabena sat on her knees, touching the small footprints that were yet fresh.

"Sir, you said you have a daughter, can I see her? she must have seen the creature that passed by the house." 

Mabena asked Usher. She was attempting to shove her fear down but it was the last thing she could do. When they knew that a demon was wandering around, slaying the animals, why would they leave their children alone?

"She must be sleeping yet."

Usher was a tall masculine man around forty years old. His hair was white and his eyes green. Looking at his hands, Mabena could say that he fought too much. Even the way he was walking was more like a King's man. 

He went to the door of his house. The folk behind him halted. Mabena went on her feet.