

Leharin was so careful about Mabena, even a child could read that he loved her.

She sighed and went inside the portal that Bloohole made, if there were thieves there, she would rather be as far as possible.

They passed the dark pathway when the prince halted and she hit him.

"Be careful, your majesty!" Her tune was yet so mean. She couldn't handle him that much.

"Sorry, look at this forest!" He noted while walking away.

Orcia walked ahead and saw the forest line. Her feet kissed the damp, muddy earth. 

"The forest is thick but look poor!" She murmured, scanning around, her eyes fixed on the hill. There was only one hill there and nothing was on it.

"How should we call them?" The prince asked.

"They can hear us," Mabena informed, and with Leharin, they climbed up the hill.

Arriving on the hill, Mabena said, "Tania Li, can you hear us? I am Mabena and he is Leharin, the son of Lady Hiravan! We are here to meet you."