

Everything sounded odd, even Orcia. This season was cold, Athria was sitting on the roof of that mansion that she brought to. Glancing at the tinged that thin cloud offered the sun, she smiled. 

Peering at her hands, her eyes rolled on her chest! She was a grown girl with the normal curls that everyone had.

She was fine, it took a long time for her to rescue that witch but she did it. She was lucky and missed her father vastly. She didn't know who that boy with redhead was but he kept calling her sister. He was nice and treated her nicely but he was a stranger to her so nothing could change this.

The chilling breeze was shaking the branches and the leaves were shaking reluctantly. Lazily, they were laying on the wet ground. It seemed their color had gone yellow by the fear of the end of their lives. Maybe it felt sad because they were sad, indeed.