

He came out of a sudden and asked us to live, the string power boiled in my blood again and grew in my body. The danger was close and we had to reach out for the shield of Gods where neither of these creatures would dare to come.

"Do you think that he can beat them?"

Mes asked out of the blue. I pressed the gas and paced our speed.

"Yes, those imps are nothing to him!"

I replied, looking at him in the front mirror. He shook his head, saying, "no, not them! I was thinking about a half-god meeting a God, I don't think that their powers be in the same level."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He means that Savul might kill him!" Pat clarified.

I didn't want to let anyone kill him before me. I could ask him what I wanted then kill him. This was my intention and he knew it. He could read my mind and I never lied about it.

"Do you expect me to help him?"

I asked them.