

Arriving near Savul's castle I stopped the car near the rocks. Getting outside, I roamed Patrise.

"Stay here, and if he didn't let me come out, go get your circle them take me out."

I moved the magical code of Jack card to her forearm and put the card in her hand.

"No way we let you go alone!" 

Mes protested but putting them in Savul's hand wasn't in the strolling thought in my brain.

"Listen Mes! Help her, you see, if we do nothing he is going to kill Richard, move on if I didn't return because this time I can't convince him without proof. Trust me."

Ai's hand rested on my shoulder, "in my life there was only one thing that mattered, my family and you are now a part of it."

I was happy inwardly, but this figure was unlike her, the gesture that she wore was desperate and way far from the selfish princess I knew.

"Gather yourself, because I am going to betray you!" I grinned.