

Orcia found herself among smoke and ruins. 

"Sister?" She shouted, her voice echoed.

"Orcia, where are we?" Athria was standing still gazing at the people and those machines. The city was entirely different than where she lived. They buildings were huge, smoke was streaming out of them.

The trains were stopped on the railings overheads.

"Here is Lake Vita, a city in Las Vita province."

Orcia grabbed her hand, and with the other one she pointed out to TECO tower.

"Come on sister, let us see what the gods wished."

They began to run by the folks side. They stopped at the doorway, gasping.

"They can't see us!"

Athria informed, touching someone, her hand passed.

"We are in my dream sister, the gods show me keys through my dreams, they named me dream caller." 

They walked inside the tower. Light was sick, turning on and off, the alerts still on.

"What happened here?"