
Tania (3)

"I hear it." He eagerly asked, I assumed that he loved to be asked for something.

"Make this castle clean and alive, every inch that I step smell like toilet!"

Bigoten shot me a glare. I wasn't speaking the way he wished and I wasn't from his era. He had to endure me in any way. His expression soothed, Ragoz coughed.

"Accepted." Savul replied.

"Please, heal him before starting!" I added. Unintentionally, I smiled back at him and for a moment he just peered at me.

Savul got to his feet and walked down the steps of his stone throne. He approached us, he was a bit taller than Edward and his validity was cold. An odor that could bring chill to my bones.

"Ragoz, I made you lucky to find carrying company."

He drew out a hand from his body and touched the Pixion's forehead. A red light sparked out, and dove to his head.

"I appreciate it."