Fu Jie's ultimate power



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I got this!

I can do it!

It's just like the game!

Hold the sword like this.

Be strong and hard like a rock.

Stand firm like an oak.

Cut quick like a blade.

Think fast and be unafraid

Don't freeze up.

Be quick on your feet.

Be soft like a cloud.

Like bamboo, you bend in the wind.

The more Fu Jie spoke to himself, the more he felt that he had heard all of this somewhere before. It was a movie he had watched but he couldn't remember where it was from.

The man in front of him didn't seem to like the fact that Fu Jie was distracted and so, he took this chance to once again slash at Fu Jie and try to cut him in half.

Fu Jie didn't avoid the attack this time, he held his sword forward in a way that seemed to match a move that his in-game character was featured to do.

The sharp "clash" sound was clearly heard when the two swords hit each other.

Fu Jie thought he was a goner. There was no way he could fight against these people. This was his first time holding a sword and prior to this, his only training was in a virtual game where he only needed to press a few buttons on his keyboard. The theory was easy to learn but the practical aspect of it was a lot harder to replicate.

Since he had played so many games since his childhood, he could clearly remember all the moves and body postures so he tried his best to copy them.

From the outside, it looked perfect, but only Fu Jie knew that this was all just for show.

The real trick was never in the body postures, it was in the style of attack and the method used, these were the things Fu Jie was completely clueless about.

So what was he supposed to do if he had no idea what technique he should use? The answer to this might actually be simpler than you'd think.

He was going to copy the body posture to look cool and completely depend on sheer force.

It was a good strategy but the chances of it working out for the best were as low as winning a lottery from a lottery ticket you never bought.

Shockingly, it worked.

When the two swords clashed against each other, The man in front of him spit out blood as he was thrown off of his feet and flew a few feet before hitting his back on the stone wall that was behind him. His body fell down like a sack of potato and Fu Jie's eyes went wide.

The man tried to crawl up to his feet again but the stone wall he had hit also crumbled and fell on top of him.

Fu Jie looked at his own sword and then back at the man who was now buried under the debris.

He couldn't believe it.

Since when was he this strong?!

This was... Unbelievable and awesome!

Fu Jie couldn't help but feel delighted to have found that he had such power hidden inside him.

He thanked the heavens for blessing him with such power.

This felt great!

It felt even more amazing than the virtual games he played. This was the real deal!

"Haha! Come at me now! This Laozi will chop you like meat!" Fu Jie shouted with confidence as he held his sword up, but somehow, the sword felt a bit heavier than it did a few minutes ago.

Hmm... Weird.

It was still the same sword.

Was he too excited previously to notice how heavy this sword was?

The people wearing black and red robes looked at the man who was shouting in the middle of this battle but they didn't dare go near him.

They had clearly seen their comrade be blown away like a piece of paper. Who would ever want to fight such a man?

Fu Jie was unaware of a really important fact.

He didn't win because he was powerful, he won because he was stupid.

He focused on the sword and tried to use all the strength he had in him.

Although he was new to this world, the body he was currently using belonged to this world and had a spiritual core.

By focusing all his attention and energy on his sword, he had somehow managed to use his spiritual energy and that too, all of it at once.

People who looked at him would think that this was just one-tenth of his spiritual powers since that was the most common case.

Which wackjob would use all his spiritual power on one blow?!

They had to be moderate and try to use as little or only the required amount of it. If one exhausted their spiritual powers in a battle, they were as good as dead meat, in fact, it could straightaway be the cause of their death.

Fu Jie felt as if he was growing weaker and weaker.

What the hell?!

Did I run out of adrenaline or something??

Fu Jie didn't look to be any different on the outside. Only he could know what he was feeling at this moment: exhaustion.

His legs almost felt as if they were ready to give out on him and the sword suddenly seemed to be so heavy that he couldn't even casually lift it anymore.

He coughed to clear his throat. Breathing became a little hard but he couldn't understand the reason behind it.

It was as if he was having an asthma attack but he was sure he didn't have such a lung disease so what was happening?

Even his vision started to dim a little.

Thank God, no one else was approaching him for a fight cause if they did, he was sure that he'll really die this time.

He didn't dare let go of his sword as he walked to the place where his opponent was buried beneath the debris.

The people who were fighting in front of him conveniently moved away as they saw him approach.

They had surely been shocked and were scared of him.

Fu Jie was glad that nobody took him too seriously when he challenged them to try and fight him.

He climbed on top of the rubble and took a seat, making it look as if he was an overlord watching the small flies fight.

He looked strong and intimidating, seeming to be showing his authority and power by taking a seat on top of the rubble that buried the man who had dared to challenge him, however, in reality, the only reason why he was sitting down here like this was because he no longer had the energy to stand and this place was the only safe area where there weren't people fighting.

"That's a white mask, isn't it?"

"So dangerous!"

"Should we keep fighting?"

The people they were fighting against seemed to be a bit reluctant to keep on fighting. There was already an overlord here who was sitting leisurely, not even worrying about the situation. If he was so carefree, it could only mean one thing, he had a plan up his sleeve and he was confident that he would be the one winning in the end.

"Let's take him down!"

"This cocky bastard needs to learn a lesson!" The man who shouted sprang forward with his sword clutched tightly in his hand, determined to kill Fu Jie who looked to be a bit too confident with his skills.

Fu Jie looked at the man who was attacking him and couldn't help but feel annoyed. He wanted to take a short break! Why were these people imagining things on their own and attacking him?!

Fu Jie mustered up his energy to grab the hilt of his sword and he raised it high but instead of aiming it at the man, he aimed it at the ground beneath and used all his strength to nail the sword into the ground.

The sudden air pressure caused the man to be thrown away and once again, Fu Jie had managed to scare everyone present.

That man had been too confident when he was trying to attack Fu Jie but in the end, his destiny was the same as the man who was buried under the rubble on which Fu Jie was sitting on.

"L-Let's retreat!"

"Attack him together!"

"No way! Didn't you see how strong he was?!"

"If you want to die, go right ahead! Don't take me with you!"

"Attack him!"


The people were divided on their opinions. Some wanted to run away while others wanted to stay behind and fight Fu Jie.

The people who had attacked the sect didn't seem to have a solid plan which was a bit shocking. They picked a perfect timing to attack and they had enough power to defeat the guards and cause some destruction however, they had a major flaw in their method that was now going to drag them down. They didn't have a leader, at least, not a leader who was giving out commands that they were supposed to follow.

Fu Jie had really used all his energy this time and it wasn't even to fight, it was to surrender. The reason why he nailed his sword to the ground was an act of surrender because he knew he wouldn't be able to fight any further. For anyone else who saw the scene, they would only think that this man was trying to flaunt his power and scaring them by showing them that even the indirect air pressure of his attack was enough to kill them.

Fu Jie held the hilt of the sword and rested his cheek on it as he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in that position.

Since he had a mask on his face, people could not see his eyes that were shut close, all they could see was a scary mask that seemed to stare straight at them and sent a shiver down their spine.

If someone else was going to muster up the courage to attack him again, Fu Jie would have surely ended up dead but no one had the courage to do it.

Some ran away, while others kept fighting and the battlefield changed drastically. Just a few minutes ago, before Fu Jie had arrived, this sect was losing this battle miserably and now the tables had turned.

At this moment, Fu Jie was in deep slumber so he could no longer hear or see what was going on around him.

There was a sound of a flute. A really soothing yet eery melody that made the leftover attackers grab their ears and scream in pain and agony.

"Elder Bai!"

"It's Elder Bai!"

"We are saved!"

It seemed that only the people wearing black and red clothes were affected by the melody. The rest of the soldiers who were wearing white seemed to be happily dancing as they heard the tune and saw the person who had finally arrived on the scene.

The man was standing on his sword that was hovering at least fifty feet above the ground. Adorned in teal-colored robes with a jade artifact hanging on his waist and his hair flowing with the wind, he looked much alike an angel who had descended to save the people.

His eyes were closed and when he opened them, they seemed to be glaring at the men who were running around, screaming in agony.

Fu Jie might have broken their will to keep on fighting but this man gave the final blow so it was clear who'd be getting the credit of having become the hero.