The sect master is back

"What about the other sect?"


"The Jade one."

"The Jade pavilion?"

Fu Jie nodded his head as he asked, "You already told me about the other three."

Luo Lijuan was silent for a minute as she wondered where to start explaining, "Out of the three, the jade pavilion is the one that seems most out of place and can't fit in with the others."

"Why is that?"

"That... I don't think I can tell you."

"But you already told me so much. Just one more."

"No" Luo Lijuan shook her head, "This one, you'll have to find out for yourself."

"If you know it, just tell me."

"Junior brother, it's not that I don't want to tell you," She tilted her head as she justified herself, "It's that I can't tell you."

"Why?" Fu Jie furrowed his eyebrows as he asked.

"Because I don't know. It's better not to speak about things you don't know too well."

"Tch-" Fu Jie suddenly wondered if he had given this woman too much credit. In the end, she was also not gonna tell him everything he wanted to know.

"You'll have to learn about The Jade pavilion yourself." Luo Lijuan stated, "Although it's a well-known sect that is also a part of the four greatest sects, in reality, it's a rather newly formed sect that had suddenly gained a lot of strength and reputation. Not much about them is known and the information that is spread about them is mostly just baseless rumors."

Fu Jie smirked mockingly as he questioned, "There's something even senior martial sister is unaware of?"

Luo Lijuan glared at him in return as she challenged him, "Why don't you try finding out more about them? If you can find more information than me, I'll admit that you're not as dumb as I thought."

"What does your admitting and not admitting have anything to do with me? I'm not dumb!"

Luo Lijuna chuckled, "Sure~ Sure~ You can say that all you want but..."

"But what?"

"A scholar saying the melody was his when he didn't even know how to hold a flute. It's certainly a bit funny."

Whatever this woman had said went over Fu Jie's head as he suddenly wondered if he had ever heard such a poem before and no matter how hard he tried to remember, this poem was certainly not something he had ever read.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and it grabbed the attention of the two inside the room.

"Who's there?" Luo Lijuan asked loudly as she looked at the closed door.

"Senior martial sister, the sect master is calling for you." It was the sweet voice of a girl that could be heard from behind the door, but Fu Jie was not familiar with who the girl was, however, as soon as Luo Lijuan heard this, she immediately stood up with excitement apparent on her face.

"Sect master is back?" She asked and Fu Jie couldn't help but be surprised to see how her expressions and tone of speaking had changed within seconds.

Luo Lijuan got ready to leave as she walked to the door and her hands wrapped around the door handle, however, before she opened the door, she looked back at Fu Jie and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Eh?" Fu Jie snapped out of his train of thoughts that were trying to come up with a way to get out of this tangled mess.

"Come with me."


"To meet the sect master."

Fu Jie stood up in confusion as he asked, "Am I supposed to meet her?"

"Of course! Wouldn't it be rude of you to not pay respect to your elders?"

"But..." Fu Jie wanted to remind the woman that he was a fugitive. To meet the sect master... Although he was wearing a mask to conceal his face, a person who is capable of being a sect master would certainly see through it and recognize him.

At this moment, Luo Lijuan seemed to have read his mind as she asked, "Are you worried about being found out?" She chuckled as she saw his worried expressions, "No need to think about that. The mask Master gave you is not an ordinary mask. You'll be safe."

Fu Jie nodded and decided to take a chance as he trusted her words and went along with her to meet the sect master of this maple passion pavilion that he was now forced to be a member of.

"When you meet her, try not to say too much." Luo Lijuan warned and Fu Jie didn't respond.

It wasn't like he was planning to talk. Even if the sect master were to ask his name, he wouldn't be giving an answer, at least, that was his plan, but somehow, it seemed that luck was on his side today as the sect master never asked for his name.

He was so lucky that the sect master didn't even seem to pay even a slight bit of attention towards him. He was ignored like thin air. Invisible completely in the awkward yet tense atmosphere.

Whoever it was that came to call Luo Lijuan should have mentioned the reason why the sect master suddenly wanted to meet Luo Lijuan. If she had mentioned it beforehand, Fu Jie would have never agreed to come here.

He stood along with a bunch of other ordinary disciples and tried his best to blend into the crowd as he looked at the situation.

There was suddenly a conference here and all the leaders of the four great sects were here.

"I'm sorry for calling you all out here on such short notice," The sect master of maple passion pavilion apologized before starting the conference.

She had a pair of phoenix eyes that seemed to go together perfectly with her oval face and her light red small lips. If Luo Lijuan looked like a goddess, this sect master looked a lot like an immortal. Her age was just that unguessable. She looked young and yet she had a sense of maturity on her face that only came with age. She was probably old, but her age could never be guessed by one who only sees her face.

"It's no worries, sect master Xiao." One of the men spoke up. This man was wearing turquoise-colored robes with really detailed designs on the sleeves. When Fu Jie saw him, the first thing he noticed were the clothes that looked really familiar to the ones worn by Bai Ling. This man looked a lot like Fu Jie's grandfather, however, after thinking about it for more than a minute, Fu Jie concluded that his grandfather was more handsome than this old man.

Sect master Xiao smiled politely as she bowed her head ever so slightly and showed her gratitude, "I'm sure everyone is already aware of the reason why I called you here."

"Ren Mengyao"

Sect master Xiao nodded and the smile on her face was gone, "He has still not been found."

Suddenly, a man started laughing and broke the serious atmosphere with the sound as he mockingly asked, "Your maple passion pavilion is certainly great. You guys managed to capture the son and the friend."


This man probably knew that the two he was talking about had already run away and yet he still decided to bring them up which could mean only one thing: He was looking for trouble.

Sect master Xiao nodded once again as she responded, "We captured them and had them imprisoned but they still managed to escape."

"Hahaha..." The man laughed again as he pointed at the disciples of the maple passion pavilion that were standing on the side with their heads bowed down in embarrassment and guilt, 'Even after having all these young talented men, they still managed to run away? Why does that sound really unbelievable?"

The Sect master glared at the man as she asked, "Brother Zou Tian, is there something you're trying to say?"

"Me?" The man pointed at himself with a dumb expression on his face that was clearly only for show, "What could I be trying to say? I wouldn't dare point finger at your sect."


This man had clearly already pointed his finger at them and yet he was still saying such a thing.

"Your sect has always been righteous. Filled with so many talented young men and women. To question their honesty? Never. I dare not do such a thing!" He spoke with a smile that seemed to be mocking the whole sect.

"The two ran away and our sect was attacked while I was away," Sect Master Xiao didn't seem to be too happy as she continued speaking, "Our disciples have clearly been wronged. If anything, there's someone here who is a lot more suspicious than us for having done such despicable things."

Everyone's eyes turned towards another man who was wearing a black and red-colored robe that Fu Jie instantly recognized. This man was probably from the phoenix ridge sect. Just like how Luo Lijuan had explained, he looked like a serious man who had facial paralysis.

Fu Jie was looking forward to hearing this man say something really ridiculous with that same unfazed face, but he was a bit disappointed to see that the man didn't say anything and instead simply coughed to clear his throat.