This boy!

Come back here again? 

Fu Jie wanted to laugh at the mere thought of it. 

He was never going to come to this wretched place again!! 

With this single visit alone, most of his money had been burnt off in this expensive town that was just waiting to squeeze out every last gold coin he had left! 

Fu Jie was fuming on the inside, however, he still managed to bow politely at the boy as he didn't bother lashing out on this boy who already looked like he had suffered enough in his life. 

"Kid, what's your name?" Fu Jie asked. 

He wasn't really interested in knowing the boy's name but asked it out of politeness. It was only sometimes in his life that Fu Jie would be this polite to someone and when he was, it could be said that the person he was being nice to would be considered as a very lucky person since winning such politeness from Fu Jie was alike winning a lottery. The chances were just that low.