
"Are you sure you want me to go?" Fu Jie gulped as he glanced back at the woman and tried to gain some sympathy from her, "What if they find out that you were the one who sent me? You'll get in trouble too, senior sister Luo." 

Luo Lijuan pursed her lips as her eyes narrowed down on Fu Jie suspiciously before she broke out laughing, "You don't need to be worried about me. If you don't want to cause me trouble, be careful and don't get in trouble." 

Fu Jie couldn't help but be a little disappointed to see that his method to trick the woman had failed miserably. 

Fu Jie exaggeratedly sighed as he lifted his foot and started walking forward, towards the direction that Xiao Jingyi and Chuanfu had taken, but after only a few steps, he stopped and turned around to look at the bright smile on the woman's face, "I don't even have my sword with me. Where is that piece of stupid scrap metal?"