Chapter 51


The assassins usually aim for Dietrich, but they didn't come directly to my room. I looked at the shadows covering the moon with my eyes open.

The shadow was a very familiar.



He has been avoiding me these days and I wonder for some reason.

He hurried up and opened the window, and Dietrich fell into the room as if poured. Hook, the scent of thick blood, lighted the lamp with fear.


Drops of blood were dripping into the cracks of the old floor. The wound that I don't know if it's a cut or something is so severe that I can see it even if he don't lift his clothes.

I grabbed Dietrich under the spreading yellow light of a grown-up. He came with me to see if he had no strength, leaned against the bed and exhaled a long sigh.

"Don't be mad again. It's not a big deal."

As usual, He say his wounds as if they weren't big. I was more upset with the words, and I pouting my mouth.

"How is this nothing?"

I looked for the bandage, holding back the tears. Dahlia now had bandages, ointments, drugs commonly used for bruises, and even pain relievers.

Dahlia is now just that much less and Dietrich is just that much stronger. It wasn't strong enough to not get hurt completely.

'Why do you hit the villain topic so easily?'

Dietrich watched silently as I cried and applied the ointment as if covering his wounds. There is no one moaning that it is not hurt.

Even though blood spurts on the theme of a child of only ten years old, I can't even see inspiration. I felt terrible belatedly about that.

When reading the background of the demonic Archduke Dietrich Lagrange in print, without conscience on a subject that I had never thought of.

"Put it!"

Dietrich hates crying children. To hold back the tears, I twisted my face and tried everything, but I opened my mouth like a breath.

"It's ugly."

When I didn't respond, a stinging gaze poured over my head, and I couldn't even wipe my runny nose and raised my head.


"...…. ."

"What! Why are you watching!"

"why are you crying?"

"I just pretended to meet and I don't even know why I'm crying!"

He would have frowned at his eyebrows saying he wasn't a habit, but Dietrich just laughed at the powerless sound of being cheated.

He wipes my eyes running down the tip of my chin with his palm. His white fingers sparkled transparently.

"Don't cry. There will be no crybaby like you in the history of LaGrange."

"If you're sad, do you cry?"

He was silent again. He only slightly frowns as if the wound he touched while wearing the bandage was sore.

"No, I ran away and I got hurt like this."

" ...… ."

"I'll do it again. (I'll do it again)."

It seems surprising I knew that Dietrich was avoiding me. He forgot that he was injured, he opened his eyes wide and groaned for bitterness. He soon replied as if excuses.

"I am confused when I see you."

"I don't know?"

"Because I can't figure out if the decision I made is correct. Even though there is no way other than this road, I only have to worry about no answer."

I glanced at him, muttering words I couldn't understand, and tapped my lips.

".... Do you know if you run away?"


"Should Dietrich become escaped?"

The fact that Dietrich became the Grand Duke of LaGrange felt as if he could not escape.

In'The Men's War of the Roses', he was the Grand Duke and Hermann Euclid's only rival.

However, is it a position that has to be achieved with such a hard work? If he became a grand duke, he would start a war with Hermann, and he would be sealed.

Charlotte saves him, but if he wastes his demonic power to protect her, he will eventually be eaten by Baal.

It wasn't even a childhood that could be summed up in a single line like a novel.

We had to endure these days without being able to skip every moment.

"There is no option to run away in Lagrange, Nissa."


"Because I already have Baal, and Derek Lagrange isn't the only one who covets Baal. I just swallow it before I get swallowed."

Dietrich's words slowed as the mind gradually faded. I wiped his forehead from the cold sweat of peregrine and bone.

"The back side of the moon where children can hide is in a fairy tale."

"..... ."

"I made up my mind. That's all."

'What kind of mind did you decide?'

I wondered, but Dietrich closed his eyes when he said that.

I looked down at him, sleeping quietly, exhaling on my knees.

"..... ."

I clenched my fist. A groan leaks out from the evil door teeth.

If Dietrich's becoming a grand duke is a fact that doesn't change, maybe the degree of the process can be varied.

'If Dietrich could be a little less difficult.'

I closed my eyes looking at the three red gems that had dropped on the floor.

'It is purified. Be purified!'

It was a terrible thing that made Lagrange's children lonely. A curse that makes the family unable to exist as a family.

Still harassing children on demonic subjects that were already sealed hundreds of years ago.

I hated Asmodeus and couldn't stand it.

I only thought that Eredia's abilities should be exercised with a good heart, but his hatred toward Asmodeus increased my abilities beyond my thoughts.

The white aura that came out of his fingertips wraps around the jewel and begins to shake.

'Please, I hope it worked.'

For Lancel, who was easily affected by the curse, the effect was quickly seen, but I was afraid that others might not have been affected in the first place.

I drew my hands together, restlessly facing Dietrich, who was asleep.

The curse that I purified became the starting point, without knowing what kind of wind would blow in Lagrange.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Dietrich woke up with the warmth of wriggling and digging into my arms. When he slowly open his eyes, He make a rumbling noise and the red hair comes in first.

Moonlight poured over the child's round white forehead.

In the cool breeze coming through the cracks of the open window, Dietrich put a blanket over the neck of Anit.


He stretches out his hand to clean up the hair that has stuck on the ball, and clenched his fist.

Dietrich frowns his handsome eyebrows and stares at the shadows over them.

He was smiling with his red mouth open, not knowing when he appeared.

"There is no eye to see, Your Majesty. Agares has torn limbs and will not be able to chase us for a while."

Dietrich listened silently to his abrupt report. The devil smiles and attaches four feet.

"There is no need to pretend to care for the princess. It is only me and your majesty here."


The boy slowly nodded at Baal's words. He has no eyes to see, so he doesn't have to pretend to be precious. It wasn't wrong.

"Agareth and Derek seem to have been completely deceived. Ah, he only know that Nissa is your dear sister."

"..... ."

I was upset even though I realized that Baal's words weren't wrong. The devil continued to speak, not seeing Dietrich's face hardening.

"I don't know how to pretend to cherish her in order to make her a scapegmm. Now, if you cross this gate well -"

"It's noisy."

Dietrich cut off Baal's giggling words. The embarrassed devil smacks his long finger and tilts his head.

"Oh, if the princess wakes up, you'll be in trouble! You have to pretend to be cherished again. You'll be bothered."

However, the devil, who does not know the delicate emotions of a person at all, simply stands by the window with a refreshing step.

"How much do she care for the ugly doll that your Majesty gave her. If I was a human, I would have felt sorry for it."

Dietrich looked back at Baal's fingered and Ricky Raccoon doll Perhaps because he raised his body, Anissa was now buried in a doll that was almost as large as his torso.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Look how old the doll is worn out. It's dragged around here and there."

Baal fluttered his long tongue and stretched out his shadow, rummaging the doll's limbs. As the devil said, the doll, which was clearly new, had stitches loosened here and there.

Dietrich slowly removed the dry leaves from the gray-colored raccoon's soles.

"It's not a big deal,"

he looked at Anit's petty doll for quite some time.

"Would you like to tell me that you are leaving the investigation near Euclid?"

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The devil asks for Dietrich, who is silently looking at the doll. He seems to have been hidden by the company, but he slowly opened three necklaces that seemed to have flowed out of his sleep.

"You said that Joseph Euclid was in Romandorf."

"Sure, because the plan was to contact the informant planted at Euclid there."

"I have to check Anit's abili"