Chapter 56

'It's surprising to be bleeding instead of eating.'

Even Dietrich, who seemed uninterested in whatever I did, was about to get upset. I stood in front of a large mirror on the wall and began to look at myself.

The blood from the mouth spattered on the white bib and the red marks were weird, but it wasn't that surprising.

'It's the first time I've seen a child's teeth fall out.'

Because this worldview does not mean that there is no concept of childish and permanent teeth.

I took the napkin I was wearing as a bib and wiped the area around my mouth in a casual manner.

"Is it okay?"

"Speak up." (Okay.)

He's worried about me now and I shakes his hand because he's nasty.

"Open your mouth. I have to check if you have eaten any poison."

He wasn't embarrassed by my rejection and caught me again, but I snore and stepped back

'What is poison.'

It was a faded memory now, but it wasn't something I had done once or twice in my previous life. I'm a person who remembers pulling teeth with my hand because my teeth were easily pulled out.

I boldly opened my mouth wide in front of the mirror, then grabbed the shaking front teeth.

'I'll just be picked if this is enough.'

My front teeth were already half-picked while chewing on a hard carrot. I pushed my front teeth without being scared.

My behavior was so strange that even Dietrich couldn't stop me. I felt a strange sense of victory on his firm face.

'Did you say I am like a child to you?'

Where else is there such an adult-like child? I take my teeth out by myself.

"Oh, yeah!"

I spit my front teeth rolling in my mouth on the floor, then roughly wiped the bloody corners of my mouth with my sleeves.

'Huh, it must have just looked so chic.'

It's not just you cool. I'm cool too.


I heard a small muttering sound of Baal from behind, but I can't hear it properly.

"Princess, don't throw it away."

"Ah?" (Why?)

"I have to sell it to the Tooth Fairy."

"Wht,is tha?" (What is that?)

The word fairy comes out of Baal's mouth, so it sounds a little suspicious. As I narrowed my eyes and doubted me, he smiled and raised his index finger.

"It's a demon who pays for kids' teeth."

"Wha?!" (What?!)

Baal shook his head as I glared at the word money.

"You already like money so much. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

I try to become an adult who puts in a lot of deposits, well.

While I grumbled at Baal's words, Dietrich got up and left the room without greeting.

"Princess, where are you going?"

"Naho came out!" (I went out and I'll come!)

As I watched Dietrich escape Dahlia from a distance outside the window, I bite my lips and started running down the hall with him.

There was a sense of wind coming through the missing front teeth, but I can tolerate this much.

He rarely explained anything to me.

If he leave dahlia, I don't know what the hell he's doing or when it will disappear.

'If so, I have to ask directly.'

I tried not to talk any more to his cold attitude, but his face, whitened by the blood flowing from my front teeth, gave me courage.

'Because it still seems to be he worried about me.'

"Deerich." (Dietrich.)

I grabbed his sleeve, panting and quickly leaving the garden. He looked back at me with a fresh face as if I was sitting on a subject that was so fast that it was difficult to catch up with even if I ran.


He frowned in the sun shining over my cheeks, pale enough to look cold.

Dietrich's hand gripped his sleeve. He looked down uninspiringly at the wrinkles on my clothes.

"Where are you going to Hiro?" (Where are you going?)

He seemed to understand my leaky pronunciation, but he shook his head instead of answering.

"You don't need to know."

I trembled at the slow but sober words. In the corner of my head, I always thought that Dietrich was the villain in the novel, but he was still my family.

'I don't need to be shocked suddenly.'

It's not even trying to kill me, but it's okay. These days, I am only surprised that Dahlia has a warm atmosphere, not like Lagrange.

'It was always that attitude in the past.'

I lifted my head, repressing my feelings of sadness.

At that time, something sparkled in the sun near Dietrich's heart.

It was a much darker brooch than the triplets' necklaces.

It is cloudy as if it was made by clotting blood.

I grasped Dietrich's neck as if possessed.

"Where did you buy this? What?" (Where did you buy this?)

Goose bumps sprout when he holds his brooch with a light scent. Dietrich, who had been held stiffly standing at me, struck me and glanced at his brooch.

"It is the sealing stone of the devil bar cheap."

"The bar is cheap?"

'Isn't Asmodeus' curse?'

If Asmodeus was a demon, Baal was the king of demons, and Baal was an exile who tried to usurp the throne.

One of the evil demons who are rejected even among demons.

The bar was cheap and as strong as Baal, but it was a star species that remained only as a legend because it did not use humans as a medium to handle it.

"Doesn't your head hurt?"

Whether Asmodeus cheap, the pieces of the curse containing the ether or essence of the devil had an adverse effect on humans in some way.

'If he kept wearing this on his body, there would be no way his body wouldn't hurt.

Unlike the black aura that was mixed with the triplet's aura, the aura of Barsago only lingered inside the jewel, but it wasn't that I was worried, I lifted the claws and touched his forehead.

"Do not touch."

Dietrich stepped back, avoiding my hand. I couldn't hide my regret, so I pouting my lips.

'I don't even remember having a baby bottle."

"That's Broch, don't carry it with you ."


".... Dithrie tells me where you are going, I'll go with you."

What I was asking—though it wouldn't sound so refreshing because of a leaky pronunciation—Dthrich turned his back without answering as if he wasn't even curious about it in the first place.

'He was telling me not to follow him.'

I followed him and reached the opening of the road connected to the gate. I can't even know that I'm following myself, but I never look back.


When Dietrich enters, the road is ripe during the day.

'I was going to work again.'

I wonder how long it has been since I came back to LaGrange, and I wonder if the villain can be so sincere.

Having been there a few times with Veronica or Yuric, I noticed that Dietrich's destination was Saint Denis before even arriving.

A middle-aged man, standing in front of a bar in a dirty alley, greets him.

"young master!"

I feared that Dietrich would leave me alone and go in. Dodo also ran and stuck next to him.

"The child is difficult to enter."

A man who finds me hiding behind Dietrich's waist and sticking out his face opens his mouth with a troubled face.

I was stunned and glared at him.

'Isn't Dietrich a kid?'

Dietrich looked back at me and sighed a fever.

"Why are you following me?"

In response to that question, I swallowed my saliva to make a loud pronunciation.

"I miss you."

I really wanted to tell you this. I muttered a little while holding the tip of his sleeve.

"..... ."

"I missed you."

Dietrich's expression, who was still listening to me, became strange. At first glance, it was as impressed as before, but I found a small sway in his flinching eyebrows.

"This place is dangerous."

"It's worth it with Ditte."

It meant that I had no doubts because I believed that you would protect me. Dietrich sighed longer than before, then grabbed my hand that was tied to my sleeve.

"Aida I brought. Guide me."

At Dietrich's order, the man opened the door as if he couldn't help it.

It was still early afternoon, but there were already drunk people lined up.

From the big table in the middle, I can hear a buzzing sound of gambling.

'There is no sense of discomfort.'

Dietrich passed them by as if familiar with this scene and sat at the bar. His face is young, but he is tall and looks like it was painted.

'Because his face is also a bully.'

I grabbed the stool to sit next to Dietrich.

'Why is it so high!'

Is it because the bar table is taller than mine? The chairs were also so high that I couldn't easily get to the seat. Jumping is also useless.


Glanced at how I was struggling, Detrihe got up from his seat and put his hand between my arms.

Soon, I feels like I am floating in the air, and I sits safely on the chair. I was a little embarrassed, so I put my snow down.

"Ho, I have after doing it alone."

It's been a long time since I've seen it, but the cold is all alone. I glanced at him touching a cup of water on the table without an answer.

There doesn't seem to be any major injuries, but there is blood on his face.

The man who was hit by Dietrich came out with two heavy documents and a black bag.

'In movies, always put money in a bag like that.'

Whoever sees it, there is money in it, and why is it that he is stolen by storing money in a dirty bag? Such a question came up.

"As the pub was run as suggested by the burglar, sales more than tripled."

"Do you need a deal on the Dark Road?"

As if I was conscious of me, I couldn't hear the man's voice properly because the man's voice was small, but it seemed that Dietrich created a place to unify the various back-end transactions taking place in Saint-Dena.

I pretended not to be interested, but kept my ears straight.

'A twelve-year-old child is doing all things.'

"This girl is playing a joke again!"

Then there was a loud voice at the table where the gambling was taking place. I turned to the scream surprised.


Although there was a little distance, the uncommon silver-haired girl was obviously Charlotte.

"You hit the scam first! If you win the road, I'll give you money to go back to the temple-Kak!"

Ditrihi, who had a secret conversation with a man in a sudden, sudden disturbance, found her.

'Oh. Am I witnessing the first encounters of the protagonist'