End of The First Hunt

As they got closer Yun Tian realized that the beast was a boar with average strength among wild beasts. The beast was moving through the forest when it noticed the snake since it wasn't concealing itself at all. The beast, frightened, immediately tried to run away.

The snake was obviously much faster though and very quickly caught up. Yun Tian made sure to get even closer to the snake since the snake would be distracted while moving in for the kill. He wanted to be as close as possible to give the snake no time to react.

When the snake went in to bite and kill the boar, Yun Tian launched off a nearby tree at great speed and executed the sword form Deadly Flash was named after and went in to kill the snake. A frightening flash appeared and disappeared in an instant. Then the world went silent for a moment.

His speed was so great and the snake was greatly distracted. Combine this with his excellent use of both his movement technique and his sword skill and the snake had no chance. Even while launching off the tree he made no signs of his presence, it was only when he was close enough to attack did the snake notice him. At that point though, all that happened was what looked light flashing and then the snake's head separated from the rest of the body.

Yun Tian's use of the skill was so great that he demonstrated the spirit of the skill and all that would be seen by others was a flash that killed his opponents. Even though the snake was strong, with his experience in hunting with this style many times before and his immense increase in strength, along with the snake's carelessness the only outcome was death for the snake.

He was happy that everything went so smoothly, but he didn't want to be careless and finished off the boar as well. He then made sure to quickly dismantle the snake just in case something might appear and endanger him.

He first skinned it and then took the snake's fangs. After that he took out it's gallbladder since it was worth a lot and had many uses. He next looked inside its body and found the mass of energy that was its demonic beast core. It was very small and he could fit it in between two fingers, but he knew the energy it contained was by no means small. He could tell that it held much more energy than the qi gathering pills he took before.

He didn't think much of it besides selling it though since he didn't know any of the occupations that could make use of it to make something. You could not just absorb the energy from it as it was. The energy it contained was too different from the natural qi of the world and could cause qi deviation and death if you tried to absorb it as is.

He grabbed the small sphere and when he picked it up he noticed that the energy immediately started being drawn into his body. He was alarmed and wondered if the demonic beast core was attacking him somehow. He immediately inspected the inside of his body and he noticed that the energy was not at all harming his body and was in fact improving his body.

He could tell that wherever the energy passed his body was becoming stronger and when it entered his dantian it was absorbed and supplied him much more energy than the qi gathering pills before.

He was surprised and thought, 'What is happening? Why did my body start absorbing the demonic beast core? I feel like I can stop the absorption, but it doesn't seem to be harmful to me and instead seems like this energy is very beneficial for me.'

He kept on looking inward and thought, 'The energy of this core strengthens my body more than qi from the world or taking qi gathering pills, so that alone is one great benefit. Also it seems like it gives me a great amount of qi and I would definitely get less qi overall if I sold it for qi gathering pills. The qi in my dantian that I built up also seems to be stronger and higher quality now.'

'I don't know why any of this is happening or if the energy from demonic beast cores could harm me, but absorbing this energy seems much more immediately beneficial. I should decide if I want to hunt and absorb more cores or sell them. I have to take risks while doing things so I don't see why I shouldn't take this risk as well, especially since it is so beneficial and has no immediate obvious side effects. I will absorb all the cores I get from now on. This energy seems extremely beneficial and I can always sell the rest of the demonic beast parts.'

So Yun Tian put the core into a small bag on his waist and holding the demonic beast parts he'd gathered in the big bag on his back he went back into the trees to get away from that area.

After he left a middle aged man came out of his hiding spot in the trees and also left in the same direction as Yun Tian. From the fact that Yun Tian didn't notice him and he could keep up with Yun Tian he had to be at least as strong if not stronger than Yun Tian.


Yun Tian stopped in the trees when he got close to the area he left Shen Yu. He decided to absorb the demonic beast core before anything else. When he stopped and started to absorb the core though, someone appeared on the tree opposite to him.

He was immediately startled since he hadn't noticed him before and started inspecting the figure who had arrived. He saw they were a middle aged man with a scar over their right eye and his appearance was quite threatening.

None of his appearance was what worried him though. Judging from the fact he hadn't noticed him before, he had to be quite strong and by the energy he sensed from him he should be in mid Dantian Building. A whole layer above him and right now they were out in the wilderness where the only thing that mattered was strength and the man across from him was very strong.