
Yun Tian meditated for a while to recover his strength and when he was mostly recovered he stood up and said "Shen Yu I know you probably hate the Grand Elder now. Yes he did try to harm us, but no matter what I still respect him. Even though he cared for us he still chose to go against us and try to protect the clan he came from. Even though I might not agree with him, I still respect his choice. I hope you can do the same."

Originally Shen Yu wanted to refute him, but when she listened to the end she had no choice but to say "I don't really care about anything else beside the fact that he tried to harm you. I hate him for that, but since you say it like that I guess he is still an admirable figure and can be forgiven. Besides, he did help Dad a lot in the past I guess."

"Let's bury him then Shen Yu and then we can leave."

Yun Tian took the Grand Elder's spatial bag and then dug a grave. He put the Grand Elder in it and then carved out a headstone for him. On the headstone he wrote "Grand Elder of the Yun Clan. Died for and abandoned all else for the Clan. Revered for generations to come."

After this he had Shen Yu say a short prayer for him and then was lost in his thoughts for a moment. 'The Grand Elder did all of this for the clan. He sacrificed himself and tried to sacrifice what he loved for the clan. Was his life really worth anything in the end.'

He shook his gloomy thoughts out of his head and reaffirmed himself. 'No, his life was worth it. As long as what you do what you believe is right and live how you want to live there is nothing wrong. I should just live without having any regrets.'

After having these thoughts Yun Tian said "Shen Yu let's leave now. Once we make it to the next city we should be safe. The Grand Elder is not the strongest in the clan so we still have to run for our safety. When we get there we will decide what to do next."

"Alright Dage let's go then. I will do whatever you say. Are you, Are you going to carry me again?"

Shen Yu replied obediently while bashfully asking the last question.

"Yes, even though the normal elders of the clan shouldn't be a problem I think it is still best to get out of here as fast as we can. Just in case the clan leader shows up."

With that said Yun Tian once again took Shen Yu up in a princess carry and began the trip to the next town. While in his arms Shen Yu held her arms around his neck and stared at his handsome face fantasizing.

When Yun Tian noticed this he asked. "What, is there something on my face Shen Yu?"

Being broken out of her thoughts Shen Yu was embarrassed and quickly made an excuse "No no! I was just distracted for a second!"

Yun Tian let it go thinking that a lot of things had happened recently so she must have a lot on her mind. What he didn't realize though was that Shen Yu was just fantasizing about how handsome and cool he was.

They travelled down the road for a while and the only thing they met was some weak wild beasts and nothing else. A little while later though they found a carriage being attacked by some cultivators in black garments who seemed to be hiding their identities.

Yun Tian felt for their strengths and he realized that the strongest among them was only a mid dantian building expert.

He then looked at the people on the defending side and saw they were dressed in the attire of either maids or servants. There were a few guards and one person who looked to be an elder in the group. He realized they stood no chance against the attackers though when he noticed the Elder was only an early dantian building expert.

He slowed down and thought about whether to help or not. He also momentarily thought about just killing them all and taking all the loot, but immediately suppressed this thought. Just because he was stronger didn't mean he should go on killing sprees for no reason. He held no enmity with either group.

In the end he stopped far enough away for them to not notice him and told Shen Yu about the situation and asked for her opinion if he should help or not.

"Right now what you need most is cultivation resources right? If you kill the attackers they are stronger so they should have better stuff on them, plus we can ask the ones being attacked for a reward or they might even be from the town up ahead and be able to help us out."

When he listened to what she said he was stunned thinking 'when did Shen Yu get this smart?' What he didn't realize though was that when compared to him everyone else seemed like they had no talent so Shen Yu had always been thinking of ways to help him. Thinking of a plan for situations like this was just one way she thought to help.

In addition, in front of him Shen Yu displayed a very kind and caring attitude, but that is only to him. She does not care much for others.

Yun Tian thought what she said was reasonable since they were also the ones attacking others and they should be prepared to die for their misdeeds too. He said "Alright then Shen Yu wait here I will deal with this quickly and then we can talk to those in the carriage."

In order to make sure nothing went wrong he did not charge straight into battle and instead deployed his movement technique to silently move throughout the trees on the side of the path slowly creeping towards the ongoing battle.