
He didn't want to kill the wolves and create a mess, so he tried using the cloud palm skill to push the wolves out of the cave.

He recalled the insights he had from using the fleeting steps skill and tried to apply them right now. Yun Tian only wanted to push them out of the cave without causing a mess.

They were too weak to put up any form of resistance against him. They couldn't even follow his speed and they had no idea how he appeared behind them. The next thing they knew the wolves saw a palm coming toward them that looked like it contained a cloud within.

Using his palm attack fueled by his qi he launched them out of the cave. He thought inwardly 'The previous insights really did help. It is right to train many skills. Also the qi materialization skill is exactly as I thought. It has helped me maintain my qi in my other attacks too.'

All of this added up allowed Yun Tian to greatly progress with the cloud palm skill when he had not even used it in a long time. The skill could be useful, but he didn't need to use it that much since he mostly relied on his sword skill.

After the wolves were launched out of the cave they were injured and all ran away. Yun TIan decided not to waste the effort to catch them in the end. He couldn't even sell their materials for much.

Shen Yu saw everything from start to finish outside the cave and she came running up to him seeing him walk out. "Wow I was so surprised when I saw the wolves flying out of the cave. Since when did you train your cloud palm skill to that level."

Yun Tian saw no reason to hide it from her, but first he wanted to get settled. "Let's go into the cave first. I will tell you in depth once we get settled."

"Ok, but you better tell me."

After that they walked into the cave and Yun Tian inspected it in more detail. He found nothing out of the ordinary so in the middle of the cave he reached into his spatial bag and took out two mats for them to sit on.

He had them facing one another since he planned on telling Shen Yu many things and helping her out.

They both took their spots and Shen Yu once again asked him about the cloud palm skill.

First of all he told her that his talent and ability to comprehend had greatly increased once more when he broke through.

She was happy, but also slightly disheartened hearing this. She thought 'It will be even easier for him to grow stronger and there is no way for him to help me. I thought he had some trick or something.'

She brightened up once more though when he said "That is not the only reason that I have made progress with the cloud palm skill. There were two others that also played a large part."

"One was the experiences and insights I gained from the fleeting steps skill. I tried applying them with the cloud palm skill and it worked quite well. This is one of the reasons I want to train many skills. To build up a foundation now and make training future skills easier."

Shen Yu rebutted him "That is only you who can do that. Others can't train skills as fast as you."

She was still happy hearing about his theory on applying insights gained from one skill to others though. It would greatly help her too. Since she trained the same skills as him at the moment. She could apply that concept right now and in the future.

"Another reason is this skill. It is called Qi materialization. I believe it is used to practice your use of qi and greatly helps with other skills."

"However you will at least need to reach dantian building to practice it. Honestly it is the same for the rest of your skills. Once you break through it will be easier to learn your skills. However I will still tell you about all I have experienced with our three skills."

After that he explained all the insights he had gained so far. It took a while and while his experience did help Shen Yu out she could not increase her comprehension of the skills only by listening to him.

"Thank you Dage I will work hard to catch up. I won't bother you anymore. I know you want to do some of your own stuff now."

Shen Yu then went out of the cave to practice and try to comprehend everything Yun Tian said to her.

Yun Tian himself appreciated Shen Yu giving him time to do his stuff since he was just about to suggest she go practice while he did too.

He settled down after she left and went into thought.

Through his earlier use of cloud palm he knew he had reached somewhere around the late stage of grasping spirit. He figured he would need a trigger of some kind to reach complete mastery so he put that off for now.

He also did not plan on practicing the qi materialization skill since he already had the day before and he knew that skill would purely be a gradual effort he had to keep up with for it to show benefits. Instead he looked at the skills he had gained from the spatial bags and decided to practice those right now.

He read their names once more in his mind and decided 'I will train this crane flight movement skill. It will probably be the easiest for me to gain a good grasp of. Since it is named after cranes, I assume that it also has a good amount to do with wind since cranes fly in the sky.'

After that he looked through the whole book and spent a while to get all the forms down in his head. After that he walked out of the qi to practice it when he saw Shen Yu.