Shen Yu's Pain

Yun Tian noticed her expression and asked "What's wrong?"

Seeing him not even know why she was pouting Shen Yu was even more mad. She said to him while pouting "Your talent is just too much greater than mine. I could only increase my proficiency quickly with my skills just now thanks to your advice."

"You however started from zero and learned three new skills. I wasn't watching the whole time, but your talent is just too much for me to keep up with."

Seeing that Shen Yu was mad about this he really didn't know what to say. Yun Tian himself knew from what he had learned that his talent was monstrous, but he didn't know that this would affect Shen Yu.

He replied "look at it this way. I can always give you advice and help you with whatever skill you want to learn."

Seeing Yun Tian try to comfort her she was happy, but still pouted since he was basically bragging. "Alright then. You have to help me whenever I ask. I will be counting on you to make my training easier. If I can't catch up normally, I will just ask you for help."

Seeing her cheer up he was happy and decided to move on for now. He asked "Did you make us lunch?"

"Yes I went and cooked up a wolf that was around."

Seeing that the wolf he let go earlier was already cooked up he was at a loss for words. However he didn't bother too much about it and said "Thanks, it looks great. Let's eat."

After that he got two logs and put them next two each other so they could sit and eat. When he sat down though Shen Yu istead sat next to him.

"Why are you sitting here? I got two logs."

Shen Yu replied somewhat shyly "I can't sit next to you?"

"No it's fine. Let's eat then."

While eating, Shen Yu asked "How long are we going to stay out here?"

"My plan was training my skills for a while and then going to hunt for some demonic beast cores to break through. Is that fine."

Shen Yu actually quite liked the idea of just the two of them being out here alone so she said "It's fine we can stay here as long as you want. I will just cultivate in the meantime."

"Alright I am going to go back to training. Come ask if you want any advice."

"Go learn your skills genius. I might be asking for your help later after all."

With that said Yun Tian went away from her to have his own space for training and took out the other fist art skill.

It was called tiger fist. It was one of the most basic fist arts. He knew though that even if it was a basic fist art it could still produce great power if he trained hard enough with it.

He read through the manual and realized that the main point of the skill was about punching with the ferociousness of a tiger and striking terror into your opponent's hearts.

Just the same with his other skills, he would need to slowly comprehend the skill, but for now he could master the forms.

He memorized each form and practiced them for several hours until it got dark out. He reached grasping form with the skill and was close to mastering form.

During the practice he learned that the killing intent he learned from using deadly flash could be useful for this skill.

He saw that Shen Yu had once again brought him food so he stopped training and said to her "You don't always need to make me food."

She replied "I told you before that I will prepare your meals so I will."

She also liked making him food, but she didn't say that.

"Alright then let's go eat."

They then went and sat in the same positions as before. Seeing that Shen Yu was sitting next to him again he thought about it before giving up on saying anything. He also kind of liked sitting next to her so he didn't mind.

They made some small talk while eating and then Shen Yu asked "Are you going to rest soon?"

"I am going to train one more skill and then I can rest. It probably won't take me very long."

"Alright then. I am going to wait for you before I go to sleep, so you better not take too long."

"Okay I will be quick, I promise."

He only walked a little bit away this time since he didn't need much space this time.

He pulled out the manual he got from the first human expert he killed and studied it. It couldn't even be described as a formal skill. It was more of a basic technique for dantian building experts.

It described using your qi as a shield right outside of your body.

Yun tian tried it out and he actually learned the technique really quickly. He thought 'This must be because of my talent along with the qi materialization skill and my high purity qi.'

Having gotten this trick down he then walked back to Shen Yu and said "I am done let's go rest."

"You are already done?!"

Yun Tian had only been gone for an extremely short time and he was already back. She didn't believe he could learn a skill in that amount of time.

He could only say "The technique was really easy for me."

She was speechless hearing him and decided to forget about it. She changed the topic saying "alright let's go rest in the cave."

They walked into the cave and Yun Tian took out some pillows and blankets he had prepared before they left.

He put them down and said "Alright you go to sleep first and I will take first watch."

Even though no demonic beasts would appear here and the wild beasts could not threaten them, anything could happen while they were sleeping so one had to stay awake and then they would swap.

"No you sleep first. I told you before I would watch after you while you rested. Just like I would make you food."

"I can't be of much help in fights so this is the least I can do."

Seeing that Shen Yu wanted to do as much as she could to help he wavered and then said "Fine I will sleep first then."

He then lay on some blankets and drifted off to sleep.