Core Inside

When they were upstairs Shen Yu sat on the bed and Yun Tian also sat on the bed next to her.

Shen Yu started the conversation "You already have a plan for what we are doing next right?"

She knew that Yun Tian was trying to break into the next realm back in the forest and he would likely do that before anything else.

She was right as he said "Yes, my plan was to heal back to perfect health and prepare before breaking through to the next realm. I don't think it would take that long in total. Is that fine with you?"

Shen Yu replied "I'm fine with it as long as you heal completely before trying to break through."

He said back "Relax I know to prepare before trying to break through. I am not that reckless."

She looked at his wounds in response and he could only say "This is different okay."

Shen Yu laughed and said "I will just have to watch over you then."

"You do that then. You can start now if you want since I am going to cultivate for a while."

Shen Yu said "I will go tell Auntie Yu we will be saying in here for a while and then come back to cultivate too then."

With that Shen Yu left the room to go do what she said and Yun Tian sat on the bed while leaving enough space for Shen Yu.

He took out his spatial bag and thought for a second.

'We were in so much of a rush before that I didn't get to give the wolves any of the demonic beast parts. Besides all the corpses I have three early stage demonic cores and four mid stage demonic cores.'

'I will save them for now except I think I will use one to cultivate. I want to investigate more how my healing works. Also, while it isn't that effective it still makes me slightly stronger so it isn't a waste at all.'

With that Yun TIan wasted no time and took out an early stage demonic beast core and started to absorb the energy inside it.

He paid close attention to the energy that went inside his body. Some was absorbed by his dantian and some was absorbed by the other core in his chest. The rest left over was distributed through his body and enhanced it.

A lot of it was directed towards his injuries and even the core in his chest was spreading energy throughout his body to help him heal.

As he absorbed the core in his hands he noticed that his healing speed increased even more.

'This is great! This will definitely be of use in the future now that I know about this. I should be able to heal even faster than I thought now.'

He continued to absorb the energy and a large part of it was distributed through his body and helped it heal.

Shen Yu had come in and started cultivating too at some point but she had not disturbed him since she saw he was busy. He also did not pay attention to her since he was paying close attention to the energies within his body.

After he finished with the core his body had healed by a large amount.

He had an idea after that.

'I can strengthen my body during fights with the energy in the core. I wonder if by controlling it manually from the core can I make it heal me faster.'

He immediately put the idea to the test. He directed the energy from the core in his chest to his arm just like he learned to strengthen it during a fight.

He could feel the energy from the core being expended and absorbed by his arm, but instead of strengthening it the demonic qi was increasing the speed of its healing.

He did the same for his waist and directed the demonic qi there.

'I don't have to waist the cores if I do it this way. I will have to wait for the core to regain energy after a while though.'

'Although, I wonder how cultivating normally will affect the core in my chest. So far I have only paid attention to it when absorbing cores. Maybe cultivating normally will increase the speed of it regaining demonic qi.'

With that thought he started to absorb qi from the environment. While it was not as much as from a pill or core there was still a large amount rushing into his body.

He controlled the qi that entered his body and tried directing it to the core in his chest. The next moment he smiled seeing his theory confirmed.

The qi was converted into demonic qi and stored in the core.

'I can restore my demonic qi quickly this way while also using it to heal my body. I bet I can completely heal by tomorrow even.'

'I wonder if I can make the process even more efficient.'

So far Yun Tian has had great affinity with controlling qi and lot's of practice. He was also born with great multitasking ability and he felt his multitasking ability increase dramatically after the events with his past breakthrough.

This gave him an idea and he acted on it.

First he continued absorbing qi into his body and had his demonic core convert it into demonic qi. Then he tried to control that demonic qi to spread to his injuries at the same time.

He smiled once again, since although it required a large amount of focus he achieved it. With this he wouldn't have to stop and refill his demonic core and just could continuously increase his healing speed.

Time ticked away and before he knew it night had come when he stopped cultivating and looked outside the window of the room.

Shen Yu was not in the room and he figured she must be downstairs.

He had spent an entire day focused on healing and while he was exhausted from focusing for so long he couldn't stop smiling since when he took off his bandages he couldn't even see so much as a scar.

His smile grew even brighter as he moved around his body. He could tell that his body had grown much stronger than it used to be.

'Healing from injuries, battles, and my constant cultivation really have helped to strengthen my body. I can't wait to see exactly how strong it is.'

That was not the only reason he was smiling though.

'I can't wait to break through! Now that I am healed, after a night's rest and a little preparation I can try to break through tomorrow.'