Distracted By Happiness

Yun Tian agreed with what he said, but still thought he should be able to sneak past them so he said "My stealth skills are quite good so I should be able to sneak away when the time comes for us to leave. For now though, there are still some things I plan to do in town."

Wu Chen raised an eyebrow hearing this saying "No matter what I think you should wait for the wolves to leave first. Besides that you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you want even though you are healed already."

"I thought we would still go around town with you guys tomorrow, unless you two don't want to aymore?"

Ming Yu cut in "We would love to. One more day to spend with you guys would be great and we can show you around."

"Okay then we will leave tomorrow after going around with you guys. Good night then. Me and Shen Yu will be going upstairs. That's right I forgot to say our real names are Shen Yu and Yun Tian as you might have guessed."

The couple wished them a good night and then they each went their separate ways with the two of them going back to their room.

Back in the room Shen Yu asked "Is it fine to tell them all of that?"

Yun Tian said without any hesitation "I trust them and besides I believe I am strong enough to at least escape with you should any situation arise. Anyways, my plan was to go to the Feng clan tomorrow after we go around town with them."

"From the Feng clan I can either trade some stuff with them or I will ask them to direct me to the place in town where cultivators buy things. After this we will meet up with Bolin and the rest of the wolves. Is that fine with you?"

Shen Yu thought about his plan and saw no reason to change anything so she said nothing about it, but she did say "I'm guessing you are going to cultivate some more tonight."

Yun Tian scratched his head and said "You know me best."

"I will cultivate too for a while then."

With that she hopped on the bed and started to cultivate while leaving room for him.

Yun Tian also hopped on the bed and brought out an early stage demonic core.

Now that he had broken through he planned on using the early stage cores to cultivate first. When he brought out the core though he realized that since he was so happy about the breakthrough of his cultivation that he had completely forgotten about the demonic core in his chest.

With that realization he inspected the demonic core in his chest to see if his breakthrough had influenced it at all. When he inspected the core he found out that while it had enlarged and strengthened slightly, it was not nearly as much as his dantian had enlarged and strengthened.

He thought inwardly 'It seems that my cultivation and the core in my chest are somewhat linked and one can influence the other. I wonder if breaking through with the core in my chest will be easier.'

At that thought he got off the bed and moved farther away from it. Then he got into a meditative posture on the floor.

Shen Yu noticed this and she asked confused "What are you doing?"

"I just realized that I completely forgot about the core in my chest. I checked it just now and it seems I need to break through with it separately from my normal cultivation, but I am pretty sure it will be easier."

Shen Yu nodded and said nothing since Yun Tian seemed calm and sure that it would work out just fine.

He put away the early stage demonic core and took out a mid stage one.

Once he was ready he started cultivating. Just like when he broke through before he sent all the energy contained within it towards the core in his chest instead of splitting it up.

It was not that he was worried about breaking through at the same time since he already did with his normal cultivation, but it would be faster this way.

Just like before the qi was absorbed by his body and he could feel just how much his body's strength was growing. That was not his main purpose though so he continued to focus on leading the qi to the core in his chest.

Upon directing the qi into the core he immediately felt that this would definitely be easier than the last breakthrough with his regular cultivation. The reason why was that he didn't feel nearly as much resistance from absorbing the qi.

When he broke through with his dantian he had to endure a lot of pain while absorbing so much high quality qi into his dantian.

This time though he felt nowhere near the same. He still didn't break through immediately so he continued to absorb the energy in the core. He could absorb the qi into his body even faster after his breakthrough into mid dantian building and there was not nearly as much resistance with this breakthrough so absorbed the energy into the core in his chest very quickly.

He saw the energy being absorbed into the core and it's quality of demonic qi slowly improving, but he noticed that this breakthrough would take more qi than the one with his dantian. He didn't know if that was because he broke through with his dantian or it was specific to demonic beasts when they cultivated.

Eventually he reached the end of the energy within the core and he had yet to complete his breakthrough. He didn't stop the breakthrough process at all as he swiftly took out a second mid stage demonic core to continue the process.

He absorbed about half of the energy within it and suddenly he felt the qi within his demonic core become active just like when he broke through with his dantian.