
The blade did succeed in making him bleed a little when he put some strength behind it, but it was only a small cut that closed extremely quickly just as it opened when he directed some demonic qi to it.

Even though he did manage to cut himself with the blade he was still satisfied and thought 'My body is already so durable and it will only continue to grow stronger.'

Shen Yu said "So you are not completely invulnerable then."

She also eased up since he did not hurt himself.

"Okay do you need to do anything else then Dage?"

"No, I think I am good."

"Then no more cultivating. We are going to bed now."

She said that with a stern voice, but he could tell she was tired from being scared so much twice today.

"Okay, fine. I am exhausted anyway."

With that he picked up the core that he dropped and put it away to use later. The energy in it was only halfway gone. That meant he still had this half used mid stage core and one untouched one. Besides those he had three early stage demonic cores as well.

Putting all of his thoughts away he climbed into bed where Shen Yu had already laid down completely exhausted. She had her head on the pillow, but still waited for him before going to sleep.

Once he was in the bed, she grabbed his arm and put her head on it.

Yun Tian wanted to laugh and smiled seeing her cute and shameless behaviour.

Shen Yu was also having her own thoughts about how embarrassed she was, but she just closed her eyes and did not show this.

Yun Tian only said, while smiling, "Good night Shen Yu" and closed his eyes as well.

Shen Yu meekly said "Good night" and they both fell asleep.

While they had fallen asleep late at night they were both cultivators so they in fact did not need much sleep. Thus, they still woke up early in the morning.

Yun Tian woke up first, but did not move as he wanted to let Shen Yu sleep for as long as she wanted to.

He only stared at her delicate face that had some of her hair draped over it and her for a moment he was captivated by her small lips.

He just laid there for a few minutes watching as she breathed rhythmically in deep sleep.

His thoughts drifted about thinking things like 'She is so cute' or 'I will do everything I can for her, even little things like letting her rest on my arm. After all, she does the same for me when she makes me food or the other stuff she helps with.'

Eventually, Shen Yu woke up to see Yun Tian staring at her face. At first, she thought she was still dreaming so she hugged him and said "I love you Tian."

Yun Tian said to her "I love you too Shen Yu, but it's morning now so why don't we go eat some breakfast."

With how realistic he sounded and felt Shen Yu realized something was off and released him. Taken aback she sat up and asked "This isn't a dream?"

Yun Tian asked in return "You usually dream about me?"

Hearing this Shen Yu grabbed a pillow and hit him in the face with it. She was completely awake now and instead of being groggy from waking up she was now embarrassed.

Then, she got up and said "Let's go eat breakfast" walking out of the room.

She completely refused to answer his question.

Yun Tian laughed and got up following behind her.

They walked down the stairs to see the family playing out the usual scene of Ming Yu making breakfast while Wu Chen played with their daughter at the table.

When they came down the couple said "Good morning" to them and they said it back. Then Shen Yu started to help with breakfast. When the food was done they talked about walking around town and decided to leave as soon as they were done eating.

Beside that Wu Chen asked him about how he hunted and how strong he was. He also asked about how he cultivated so fast.

Yun TIan told him about some of the hunts he had gone on recently and he was amazed by the stories. He also made them entertaining for the little girl.

Shen Yu smiled at this sight of him making the little girl happy.

For how he cultivated he merely said his talent was just that great and didn't say anything about demonic beast cores. He was technically not hiding much since he progressed through the meridian opening realm purely based on his amazing talent.

Shen Yu also corroborated this and said how she was older and was still only in the seventh meridian opening layer.

This information surprised Wu Chen too since he did not know she was in the seventh layer of meridian opening. While her talent may not be as heaven defying as Yun Tian's she was still pretty talented.

They finished eating and then left the house to tour around town.

This time the little girl rode on her dad's shoulders, but Yun Tian and Shen Yu still attracted looks whether it was because of their looks or that they were strangers new in town.

The couple showed them around town and introduced a lot of the places to them, including restaurants and shops.

When the couple introduced a shop that sold clothes to them Shen Yu asked Yun Tian "Can we buy some new clothes?"

She in fact did not have any other changes of clothes than what she was wearing. She was wearing a robe that was white on the top with a greenish blue bottom. Next to Yun Tian's black robe the two of them stood out very much.

Yun Tian agreed they needed clothes so he said "Sure let's get some then."

After that they spent around an hour picking out clothes with Ming Yu and Shen Yu being the main reason for taking so long. Yun Tian had said to buy whatever they wanted since he had plenty of money that was basically useless to cultivators.

Thus, the two of them picked out a lot of clothes including dresses and robes. They tried to get some more clothes for Yun Tian, but he merely got some robes that were black, white pants, and white shirts.

He had decided to change up his usual style of clothing. He bought many sets of these clothes and paid for both his clothes, Shen Yu's, and some Ming Yu picked out as well.

While paying he made sure to hide his spatial bag by reaching into his robe to put his hand into the bag and take out a bag of money.

The owner was thrilled to sell so many clothes at once and bid them farewell with a wide smile.

After that, they left to go to a restaurant that the couple had chosen.