
Hearing what Yun Tian said, Feng Bao was slightly surprised. Based on what happened earlier, he thought he knew Yun Tian's battle style already. Now though, he was confused.

He could only say "Oh? if I may ask, are you proficient with the sword?"

Yun Tian saw no reason to lie, so he said "Yes my main fighting style lies in the sword."

His strongest offensive ability was with the sword and he liked using it.

Hearing this Feng Bao couldn't help but wonder how strong Yun Tian would be with the sword. Earlier he consoled himself saying he was better with his sword than his fists, but now it seemed Yun Tian was the same. This meant he had no excuses for losing.

He put this behind him though since they were on good terms and said "I have two different sword styles of mid spirit grade. The reward for saving Mei'er will be one of them. You can choose which one you want, is that fine?"

Yun Tian nodded his head "That's fine."

He didn't know how valuable these skills were, but he assumed they were extremely rare at the very least.

Seeing Yun Tian's acceptance Feng Bao took out two manuals from his spatial bag and said "I will give you a brief explanation for you to choose then. This one is called A Warrior's Sword. I think this skill in specific might fit you. Some sword styles emphasize on speed or other things, however this sword style emphasizes strength and endurance instead."

What he saw earlier made him think Yun Tian might not be good at using skills so this one would be right for him. While this sword skill would fit his strengthened body, it did not fit anything Yun Tian learned so far.

Feng Bao then introduced the second one. "The other is called Wolf's Lightning. This skill emphasizes speed and is harder to learn than the Warrior's Sword. I think that you can guess based on it's name that the skill teaches you how to strike as fast as lightning while also having the ferocity of a wolf."

This made him think for a second 'While Warrior style might not fit anything I know, that might be a good thing since it would broaden my style. On the other side, too many different styles can also be a bad thing.'

'For the other choice, while he said Wolf's Lighting is hard to learn, I bet I could pick it up pretty fast with my experience using the deadly flash skill. I might have a hard time understanding the lighting part of the skill. Besides that it would probably be similar.'

Before he decided he asked Feng Bao some questions.

"Do you mind if I ask some questions first?"

"Go ahead."

Feng Bao was happy to clear up any of his doubts

"Is there a place in town that sells skills or other things."

He was wondering if there was a place like the Spirit Market in his hometown.

Feng Bao wondered why he asked, since he was giving him a skill for free. Even though he was wondering why he asked he didn't question him and said "Yes there is a place called Spirit Market. They sell and buy many things cultivators use."

Hearing this Yun Tian realized 'Either it's a coincidence or Spirit Market is part of a bigger power that can span multiple towns.'

"If I may ask, does the Spirit Market have any high spirit grade skills?"

Feng Bao thought about what he knew and said "They probably do, but even so any high spirit grade skills they have will cost more than just some low spirit grade skills and swords."

Yun Tian knew he was right and said instead "How many low spirit grade skills and swords would it take for either a mid spirit grade sword or skill?"

Feng Bao wondered why Yun Tian would want more skills, but still said "If you equate everything into mid spirit grade qi gathering pills. An average low spirit grade sword could be worth 10 pills. A low spirit grade skill would be 8 pills. Their mid spirit grade counterparts would be worth 90pills for a sword and 70 pills for a skill."

Yun Tian could guess that the mid spirit grade pills were merely better versions of the pills he had seen before. He could guess their worth through what Feng Bao said.

Hearing how much more the mid spirit grade versions cost though made Yun Tian grimace. He didn't want to sell any of the demonic beast parts he had, so he would barely have enough for one skill or sword.

Seeing Yun Tian grimace, Feng Bao realized they were indeed expensive for him. He thought for a moment 'Considering that he saved Mei'er… Also, the clan still has another copy of the skills, so I won't truly lose anything. This will also make this talented young man have a better impression of me.'

"I can see that they are expensive for you. You said you had some skills and swords. How about this? You give me two swords and two skills and I will give you both mid spirit grade skills."

Yun Tian thought for a moment 'There is no reason for him to lie, since I would be able to find out if he is lying later on. It would only make an enemy of me. Besides those prices all sound reasonable. I truly want these skills too.'

"Sure sounds great. First though, do you mind if I have a look at a mid spirit grade pill."

By now Feng Bao thought 'This kid probably really has no strong background.'

He still complied though since Yun Tian only wanted a look and he respected Yun Tian for his strength and the fact he saved his daughter not his background. He took out one pill from his bag and handed it to Yun Tian.

Yun Tian held it in his hand and tried to feel how much qi was contained within it.

'It truly is much better than those other qi gathering pills. I can feel a much larger amount of qi inside. It would be great to get some of these to cultivate with. I would be able to enhance my strength further without having to go hunt for some demonic beast cores.'