
Hearing him Shen Yu opened her eyes and said "Yes Dage?"

"Why don't you take a rest now? I want to cultivate for a while longer before I rest and it is better if one of us stays awake."

Shen Yu thought about it and realised that Yun Tian had not spent much time cultivating since his breakthroughs so he must be itching to increase his strength. After all, she had seen how much effort he put into cultivating even when he wasn't making any real progress.

Now that he was actively getting stronger she couldn't imagine how he felt.

She was right as Yun Tian would probably be cultivating nonstop if it wasn't for her.

"Okay, I will rest first then."

With that she laid down on the bed and started to drift off to sleep. Yun Tian watched and admired her cuteness. When she fell asleep he focused once more and started to cultivate again.

Instead of swallowing some more qi gathering pills again, this time he took out the mid stage demonic beast core he had used in the breakthrough of his demonic core. There was still around half of its energy left.

When he estimated the total amount of energy a mid stage demonic beast core held, he felt it would be about thirty mid grade qi gathering pills.

The qi inside it also felt of a higher quality than qi gathering pills. This didn't mean it would be easier for his demonic core to break through as he learned with his last breakthrough. He now knew that even at the same stage of cultivation his demonic core could hold much more qi.

So even though this core only had half of its qi left it was still held around the same amount of qi he had used with the qi gathering pills earlier.

He felt that cultivating this way would allow his demonic core and dantian to be on similar levels.

He held the core in his hands and started to absorb the demonic qi into his demonic core.

While cultivating he once again felt his body continuously grow stronger.

While his normal cultivation involving his dantian did strengthen his body, it could not compare with how much the demonic qi and demonic core strengthened his body.

His ability to absorb the qi had grown stronger, but it still took him around two and a half hours to completely digest the qi within the core.

Just like with his dantian, he smiled as he inspected the insides of his demonic core. When he started it was around ten percent full. Now it was around twenty percent full.

That didn't mean that there wasn't much demonic qi though. His demonic core had enlarged greatly and could hold a massive amount of demonic qi. Ten or twenty percent of it was still a large space to fill.

Now that he finished with that, he planned on using some more qi gathering pills. He swallowed ten of them one after another and watched in joy as his dantian slowly filled up.

It was early morning now with the sun having just risen.

Although he didn't really need to sleep as he felt full of energy, he was planning to wake up Shen Yu so that he could rest for a little while. It was a routine for him to sleep daily.

It was at this point though that he heard a loud voice yelling something.

"Feng Bao, I heard you have a guest at your clan who has murdered one of your elders. Please hand him over to me so I can exact vengeance for my clansmen."

This voice was heard all throughout the Feng clan and the surrounding areas as the person speaking had amplified their voice so it could be heard from far away.

This voice greatly startled many people. Yun Tian especially since the voice was talking about him. He knew the voice must belong to someone from the Chen clan.

Although they wanted him dead, he wasn't afraid as he had tested his strength yesterday against Feng Bao and had even grown stronger just now through his cultivation. While he didn't have any breakthroughs he still felt much stronger.

The only thing he felt worried about was their backer. Then again it was only a slight worry.

'This Chen clan really likes to be arrogant it seems. I could just run away easily, but I don't need to. As for their backer, I am constantly growing stronger. Besides, if they don't know who I am or where I am what can they do?'

After that he had one more thought 'I will need a large amount of resources for my cultivation. If this is the Chen clan leader, he should have a large amount of resources.'

At that thought a devilish smile appeared on his face.

Just as this smile appeared on his face, Shen Yu woke up and was mesmerized by the look on his face. She asked "Am I still dreaming?"

Yun Tian saw that she was up and while slightly embarrassed he still said "No you're not dreaming. As for my smile, I was just thinking of something fun."

"Anyway, did you hear that voice? It has to be the Chen clan looking for me. I was planning on getting some cultivation resources from them. Wanna come with or do you want to wait for me somewhere else?"

Shen Yu thought for a moment and said "If you need to escape, will I slow you down?"

Yun Tian laughed and scooped her up into his arms. She was surprised and flustered. Yun Tian ignored that though and just said "You are as light as a feather."

Shen Yu laughed too, but Yun TIan's expression turned slightly serious as he said "As long as I could escape, you won't hinder me. If the opponent is too strong though, we would both die. Don't worry though, I am very strong and I doubt anyone in this town could harm me."

Still in his arms Shen Yu said "Okay fine let's go, but are you going to carry me there or am I walking."

Yun Tian said "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot."

He put her down as he said that. Then he said "Okay let's go get that pot of gold."

Shen Yu questioned him as he said that.

"What does that mean?"