Playing A Game

Yun Tian was ready to give everyone a surprise.

He looked at Chen Long and asked "Are we ready now?"

Chen Long responded "Yes, unfortunately you have to die now."

With that Chen Long held his sword in his hands and dashed towards Yun Tian.

Yun Tian watched extremely carefully, so as soon as he dashed forward he deployed a qi barrier around himself while also strengthening himself with his demonic qi.

While doing this he paid careful attention to Chen Long and the skills he was using. When he moved, it was like water flowing. At first he thought it was the fluid footwork movement skill, but then when he noticed that it seemed more profound and realised it was a different mid spirit grade skill.

The movement technique seemed to have a more aggressive nature too. As Chen Long charged towards him, he felt like a flood was rushing towards him. He wasn't extraordinarily fast, but his charge contained a lot of power.

His sword was also raised above his head. By attacking after this forceful charge Yun Tian knew he could generate a lot of damage.

For a second he wanted to charge head on and compete with him, but in the end he decided to be safe and deployed his own movement technique.

Now he was using his complete strength and all of his comprehension of the skill, so when he used Fleeting Steps, even Chen Long could barely see Yun Tian.

Everyone else could barely see Yun Tian's figure blur.

Chen Long charged toward him, but he interrupted the charge by dashing and attacking from his side. He deployed the deadly flash skill and Chen Long felt an incredible killing intent flash toward him.

Chen Long had his charge forcefully interrupted and he couldn't stop himself in time. He barely was able to pull his sword to the side to block Yun Tian's attack.

At the moment of collision Yun Tian could tell that some of the force behind his attack was deflected, even more than what his sword should have been capable of. Even with that being the case, Chen Long was instantly sent flying and he flew over the heads of the crowd into a house behind them.

Chen Long had put his full strength and comprehension of the deadly flash skill into that attack. Along with the fact that Chen Long barely had enough time to block it should have been enough to kill Chen Long.

Even Feng Bao in the Feng clan crowd thought that he wouldn't have been able to survive that.

Everyone in the surroundings couldn't believe their eyes seeing this outcome.

Yun Tian was the only one still staring seriously at the rubble with a surprised expression.

Just at this moment Chen Long jumped out of the rubble and landed back in the circle where they were fighting, except for being shocked and looking like a mess, he was fine.

Feng Bao's expression turned serious and he suddenly realised he wasn't Chen Long's opponent.

Yun Tian knew the reason behind this. Chen Long's qi shield was not normal as it was just like his techniques, fluid and it dispersed part of the force behind the strike. This along with his mid spirit grade sword and sword skills allowed him to stay alive.

Even though this was the case Yun Tian laughed and said "Can you survive a few more hits like those?"

Chen Long had already been thinking about the same, but he still said "We'll see."

This time he deployed his movement technique and didn't charge at Yun Tian. He was ready for Yun Tian to attack him from any angle.

Yun Tian answered him by charging straight at him and slashing at great speed with his sword.

Chen Long was ready and blocked with his sword. Even though this was the case, he was still pushed back twenty steps whereas Yun Tian was still in the same spot.

He didn't stay there for long though as the deadly flash skill emphasized speed. He once again flashed toward Chen Long.

This time Chen Long was pushed back even further.

This continued and even though Chen Long was doing his best to use his skills and disperse the force behind Yun Tian's attacks he still couldn't gain the upper hand. Each time they clashed Chen Long's situation looked worse.

From the outside it looked like Yun Tian was flashing around and kept hitting a ball in the center of a circle like he was playing a game.

Everyone in the crowd couldn't help but think it was like a child playing a game. Shen Yu was relieved and proud at the same time.

Chen Long's skills and use of his strong sword allowed him to stay alive. If his skills didn't have such great defensive capability he would have long died.

Eventually Yun Tian managed to use his great speed and got a cut across Chen Long's side. No matter how much he tried to deflect an attack, if Yun Tian was too fast or too strong he couldn't handle it.

His sword had barely blocked his body from being cut in half, but there was still a large wound on his side.

At that Yun TIan stopped and said "I believe our fight is already settled."

Chen Long was crouching down holding his side.

At Yun Tian's words though he stood up and said "Yes I have lost."

He didn't look upset though and had a smile on his face.

At Chen Long's words, Yun Tian saw something shoot from outside the crowd towards Shen Yu.

He had been paying careful attention to her even during the fight. Yun TIan wouldn't let Shen Yu get in harm's way again so the moment he noticed something wrong he flashed towards her.

Chen Long tried to get in his way, but Yun Tian used great strength and just knocked him away.

He was slightly delayed, but even with that he used speed even greater than he had shown before and managed to reach Shen Yu first.

He used one arm to pull Shen Yu close. At the same time a black robed Elder of the Chen clan appeared swinging his sword at Yun Tian.