Killing Intent and Ferocity

Chu Hong kept on fighting even after realizing what Yun Tian was doing. He actually had some thoughts of trying to kill Yun Tian right away, but then he immediately put those thoughts away and instead thought 'He already knows that I don't truly want to go against him. He is also benefiting from our fight so this can be considered as me helping him. I'm pretty sure he won't consider me as an enemy.'

'It is too dangerous to make this kid an enemy, especially since I don't have great confidence in being able to kill him. Instead, he could be a great ally.'

With that he just continued the fight as he wanted to see just how far Yun Tian could take this. He also had no other choice as he still couldn't let Yun Tian get past him.

The two of them continued to trade blows. Yun Tian's moves gradually became more refined and instead of Yun Tian struggling it was Chu Hong's turn to be put under pressure. He could use his superior sword skills before, but now Yun Tian was catching up in that field and would possibly even surpass him quite soon.

While the grade of Yun Tian's skill was not necessarily higher, he had a much higher comprehension of it. Chu Hong had only reached the higher levels of grasping spirit with his skill. This alone was impressive as the higher the level of a skill, the harder it was to comprehend.

Yun Tian's comprehension talent was obviously much better than his though. At this moment he was pushing the deadly flash skill beyond its limits and integrating what he was learning from the way Chu Hong fought with his sword skill. He was creating the skill he used now, so he obviously had full comprehension over it.

Eventually, Yun Tian refined each of the forms of deadly flash to the point that Chu Hong could take it no longer and was being pushed back. It was still not enough to defeat or get past him though.

Yun Tian still didn't give up 'I need more. What else am I missing? Ah, the spirit!'

He had mastered the killing intent from the deadly flash skill so each of his attacks contained and were empowered by his killing intent. He could try and raise his comprehension of killing intent, but he ruled out that idea and instead thought of fusing it with the ferocity from Chu Hong's skill.

He tested it out right away. He had a basic grasp over the ferocity from their fight so far, but he kept on fighting to get a better feeling of it.

'Each of his swings contain the ferocity of a predator attempting to kill their prey at any cost. If I combine this into the deadly flash skill, it will surely make the skill even greater.'

The important parts of skills were the spirit or intent behind them and the forms used to deploy them. If he could make the intent he used along with the skill greater, the strength the skill displayed would also increase.

He continued to comprehend the ferocity held within Chu Hong's swings and slowly tried to incorporate that ferocity in his moves. Eventually, he felt it was difficult to use two different intents in the same strike.

He could either use his ferocity in the swing or killing intent. While he was using his killing intent along with the deadly flash, he felt his strikes were sharper and seemed able to cut down his opponents in one strike. When he put the ferocity behind his swings he swung even faster and each strike strike contained more power.

At this point Chu Hong was confused and couldn't tell what Yun Tian was doing anymore. Sometimes Yun Tian would strike with the feeling of killing intent behind his sword and sometimes each strike contained his same ferocity. His confusion was just beginning as what happened next confused him even more.

'I don't want to separate intents. They also seem quite similar. Is there any way I can combine them?"

With that thought he kept on switching between using the two different intents to try and figure out a way to fuse them. Eventually he seemed to have had an epiphany and Chu Hong was suddenly blasted backwards crashing into a building. He immediately climbed out again, but he was still bewildered.

Yun Tian's last attack was completely different than what he had seen before. He had no idea what happened.

Yun Tian however was celebrating.

'I knew I could fuse them!'

His last attack had contained both his killing intent and ferocity. It also wasn't as simple as using both at the same time. He had combined them and the intent he used along with the last attack caused his strike to be much stronger.

The speed and strength the last strike contained was beyond anything he had displayed before.

He vaguely felt something and Chu Hong yelled out confirming his thoughts.

"That was just a little away from the level of a high spirit grade skill! How are you creating a high spirit grade skill!?"

Hearing his words Yun Tian was stunned, having his thoughts confirmed. The two of them had somewhat similar strengths not considering their weapons or skills. Besides that, Yun Tian had a worse sword, so for him to be able to push Chu Hong back like this he needed a better skill. Yun Tian knew that Chu Hong's skill had to at least be of the mid grade so if his was better, then it was possibly a high grade skill.

"It doesn't matter how I did it. It only matters that I can now get past you."

Right as he said that he felt a sense of weakness though.

Yun Tian had already used a large amount of his qi from his dantian and demonic qi from his demonic core in the prior fights. He had to use even more against Chu Hong now.

Besides that, now that he increased the grade of his skill it contained more power, but it also took more of his qi. That last attack of his used up a large amount of qi.

As for Chu Hong, he arrived in perfect condition, was a peak dantian building expert, and had a better sword adding to his strength allowing him to use less qi. His condition was much better than Yun Tian's.