Back Into The Forest

Yun Tian's plan was to move through the trees and be as stealthy as possible leaving no tracks. The small cuts he had had already closed completely so he didn't need to worry about that.

The only thing he had to worry about was any wolves spotting him or any other beast attracting attention to him.

Thus, he looked out into the forest to see what he could spot. His senses were extremely sensitive, but he still didn't notice any wild beasts out there.

'The wolves must have either eaten or scared away all the other wild beasts.'

Besides that, he did notice a couple of wild beast realm wolves here and there out in the forest. They looked like they were trying to be as stealthy as possible, but they couldn't hide from Yun Tian senses as he looked out into the forest for them.

He was currently hiding behind the very tip of the wall so they didn't notice him. He was sure they were looking for him as they appeared to be surveying the town from a distance.

'The wolves want to kill me and are especially determined for some reason. It could be something special because of my body that their leader noticed or it could be because I killed some of them. There is no way for me to know right now.'

Since he didn't have the answer right now, he ignored it and prepared to leap off the wall into the forest.

With fleeting steps skill, as long he was fast enough there was no way for the wolves to notice him.

He thought about just killing the few around here, but he didn't want to cause a commotion and attract more. He decided to take the safe route.

With extreme speed he leaped from the wall to the tree opposite it. He used the fleeting steps skill to the point as if he was almost weightless and caused no change to the tree or noise. None of the wolves even noticed anything.

He didn't stop and continued out into the forest. The entire time he was paying attention to the wolves and making sure none of them spotted him. He even spotted an early stage demonic beast realm wolf, but with his stealth he left no tracks and went past completely unnoticed.

He continued quite far out into the forest, even though he stopped finding the wolves a long time ago. He ignored all wild beasts and even the demonic beasts he spotted.

Once he thought he was far enough out he said to Shen Yu, "We should be far enough away now. You don't mind if I kill the demonic beasts along the way right?"

She just said, "I'm fine with whatever. We can go as slow as you want. We can even stay out here to hunt for a while if you want."

He replied, "Na, I just figured it would be a waste to not get whatever resources I can since they appeared in front of me."

Inwardly he thought, 'I should still avoid the peak stage demonic beasts, but I should be able to easily take out the mid stage ones and kill the late stage ones with some effort.'

They were far out in the forest so demonic beasts would appear more commonly. They would also be stronger.

Just as he said, he didn't dally around and headed in a straight line parallel to the path leading back to the Yun clan. His plan was to move a sufficient amount past the wolves and then head back to the path and try to meet up with Bolin and the rest.

He occasionally saw some demonic beasts which he usually took down with ease. He ignored the wild beasts, but took down all the demonic beasts he saw.

While he was moving through the forest, he used the crane flight movement skill to gain a greater insight into it since he didn't need to be as stealthy anymore. With his comprehension ability always increasing he had an easier time comprehending the crane flight movement skill.

While he hadn't drastically improved his comprehension over the fleeting steps skill he had at least improved a large amount through his life and death battles pushing his comprehension over the skill even farther past complete mastery. This alone allowed him to draw from his experience with fleeting steps when he was comprehending the crane flight skill.

He had previously reached grasping spirit with the crane flight skill. Through his use of it now, he understood better the spirit of what it was like to be a crane flying through the sky, which pushed him closer to complete mastery of the skill. He was almost there, all he need was a little push or moment of epiphany.

Even so, when he spotted any demonic beasts. even the weaker demonic beasts, he continued to use his old hunting method. He used fleeting steps and creeped up silently. Then one flash of light and a new head would fall to the ground.

He used the deadly flash to kill them. However, he only imbued his attacks with killing intent. If he combined it with what he comprehended of ferocity it would use up much more of his qi, which was overkill and would waste his qi.

He found some groups of demonic beasts as there were much more of them this far into the forest. As long as there was no late stage demonic beast and not too many he still went for the kill. He went for a stealth attack on the one he judged as the strongest and dealt with the rest afterwards.

The one thing he always made sure of was that he could quickly end each fight and get away from the scenes of battle. He didn't know if any of these demonic beasts were part of a larger group like the wolves.

Eventually, he even found a late stage demonic beast realm rhino roaming the forest. He stopped to kill it as he was confident in being able to do so. Demonic beasts were quite strong though, so he wouldn't underestimate it.

He stealthily creeped up above it. Then, he got ready to deploy his full strength. He distributed his demonic qi throughout his body and got ready to deploy his qi to attack with his sword. He was going to attack with his full strength using all he could.