Blissful But Short Reunion

Yun Tian held Shen Yu and went into the woods with Yun Zan. Once they entered, the wolf started to sprint leading them somewhere.

Yun Tian began to judge Yun Zan's strength at this moment.

Its speed was just a little slower than Bolin when he broke through. Based on his senses he also felt that it was just a little weaker than Bolin was when he saw him last.

Not only that, the wolf's appearance had changed upon its breakthrough. There were more prominent patches of gray among his fur.

As for this, he found something interesting. Yun Tian noticed the wolf seemed to have affinity for the wind. As he ran the wolf faced little air resistance and was instead using it to increase his speed.

He had started to realise by now that the elements and similar things played important roles in this world, along with cultivation and techniques.

As for why the wolf had this affinity he had basically no idea except for a small theory.

Whatever the case he didn't have long to think about it as they didn't travel far and soon reached an area with a small pond outside of a cave. He looked around and didn't notice the other wolves though.

However, he did notice that this seemed to be the place they rested.

Since the others weren't here Yun Tian could only look to the wolf beside him. Yun Zan had also noticed they weren't here so he howled at the sky. The sound travelled far and propagated throughout the forest.

Yun Tian guessed what he was doing so he just waited there. He let Shen Yu down and the wolf stood next to them.

Soon he noticed several figures coming out of the trees towards them. He instantly recognized Bolin at the very front.

He inspected him and he felt that while Bolin had grown in strength slightly, it was not by much. What surprised him though was the others behind him. He felt the presence the other wolves gave off and determined they were all in the demonic beast realm.

Not only that, he felt they were all stronger than normal demonic beasts in the same stage, just like Bolin.

The wolves came over quickly and they noticed Yun Tian and Shen Yu immediately.

They ran over and crowded around them.

Yun Tian cheered, "Hey guys! You have all grown much stronger!"

Shen Yu also said, "You all look so different."

Like she had said, the wolves had indeed changed in appearance.

For one, they had all grown slightly larger. That was not the only difference though. Except for Bolin who had already become a demonic beast the last time they were together, the others had some changes.

Yun Tian quickly inspected them all and noticed each of their changes. He couldn't help but be surprised by what he saw.

Yun Qing, the only female, had more patches of azure blue throughout her fur and even her eyes had started to reflect the same color.

Yun Jin yellow patches of fur had instead blended into the rest of his brown fur turning all of his fur into a more vibrant brown. His eyes had also become brown from the yellow they were before.

Yun Zhi, the one who had no prominent features the last time, now had streaks of red among its fur. His change in fur was the least prominent.

If he had to assume, Yun Tian would assume this was them showing their affinity to the elements like Yun Zan and his gray fur for his affinity to wind.

He inspected them all in only a few moments and made a few guesses while they continued their reunion. Yun Tian felt how happy the wolves were to see them as they wagged their tails and crowded around them. Even Bolin who was the most mature and serious crowded around pushing the others in his path away even.

Shen Yu laughed while petting them and the two sat on the ground enjoying the moment with the wolves. He just ignored everything else to have some fun moments with the wolves/

They enjoyed themselves for a few minutes until Bolin seemed to remember something and his gaze was then locked onto Yun Tian.

Yun Tian also noticed this and while it took him a moment, he realized the wolf's reasons for looking at him like that.

Bolin was trying to judge his strength. Yun Tian could hide his strength extremely well though so Bolin couldn't get a feeling for it.

Yun Tian saw no reason to hide it though so he exerted the cultivation of both his dantian and demonic core releasing some pressure. At this Bolin took some steps back.

At the same time he said "I have also grown greatly in strength."

The other wolves also felt his pressure and they were all stunned.

Yun Tian immediately took back the pressure afterwards though. For second Yun Tian thought the wolves might show some fear towards him and he regretted having ruined the moment.

He was pleasantly surprised though when the wolves howled and rushed towards him, licking him and crowding around him. He smiled and so did Shen Yu. He would be an idiot if he couldn't tell that they were celebrating his increase in strength with him.

They once again enjoyed the moment with the feeling of revelry renewed.

All good times must end though. Yun Tian had things he wanted to do.

It was also still only a few hours past midday right now.

Throughout the day all of the events went by extremely quickly.

The Chen clan first showed up at the Feng clan around the time when the sun had just risen in the morning. While it felt like all the events then took an extremely long time, cultivators at his level moved extremely fast and exchanged moves just as fast.

Many things happened with the Chen clan, but it still only took around an hour and a half before everything ended and he went to recover his qi.

Then, he left into the forest to avoid the wolves after him. He had to go around the wolves and he spent a large amount of time hunting so it did take longer than just normally travelling down the path.

Still, he had greatly increased his cultivation and the same for his speed. He mainly took so long since he was hunting demonic beasts. It was only a few hours after midday right now.